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Fossil mammals and the age of the changxindian formation, Northeastern China
Spencer G. Lucas
Keywords: Changxindian Formation; China; Eocene; Fossil mammals

    Re-evaluation of the small collection of mammal fossils from the Changxindian Formation near Beijing, China indicates the following taxa are present: Eutheria, Hypsimilus beifingensis, cf. Miacis sp., Anthracotheriidae and Forstercooperia grandis. The presence of Forstercooperia grandis indicates an Irdinmanhan age and does not support previous assignment of a Sharamurunian age to the Changxindian Formation. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Un nouveau type de coquille d'oeuf présumé Dinosaurien dans la Campanien et le Maestrichtien continental de Provence.
Philippe Kerourio
Keywords: Campanian/Maastrichtian; eggshell microstructure; Provence

    The discovery of eggshells of ornithoid type is signaled for the first time in the continental Campanian and Maastrichtían of Provence. The taxonomie relationship of these eggshells and their interest in the biostratigraphical study of Upper Cretaceous of Provence are discussed. 

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Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 4 (1982)

Les mammifères Montiens de Hainin (Paléocène moyen de Belgique) Part1: Multituberculés.
Monique Vianey-Liaud
Keywords: Belgium; Hainin; Mammals; multituberculates; Paleocene

    The Montian locality of Hainin (Hainaut, Belgium) yielded about twenty teeth of Multituberculates. They are very peculiar forms, showing no affinities, at the generic level, with those hitherto known from North America, Asia and Europe. They are referred to the new taxa Boffius splendidus nov. gen., nov. sp., Hainina belgica nov. gen., nov. sp., and H. godfriauxi nov. gen., nov. sp. They expose some common features, such as the advanced type of first upper molar. possessing at least three complete rows of cusps. Because of this, and also of the upper premolar reduction, Boffius splendidus appears as the most specialized form within the Ptilodontoidea suborder.
    Several other characters of Hainina seem to be less advanced, such as the great number of upper premolars and the simple cusp-formula of the first lower molar.
    Till now, only H. godfriauxi has been recovered within the Thanetian fauna from Cemay-les-Reims, where it is very poorly documented. 

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Published in Vol. 09, Fasc. 4 (1979)

Etude de la Variabilité chez Lophiodon lautricense Noulet
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Cheek teeth; Eocene; Lophiodon; variability

doi: 10.18563/pv.4.3.67-95

    The biometric and morphologie variability of the cheek teeth in the end-of-the-phylum species Lophiodon lautricense Noulet studied in this note, reposes on the observation of about 800 teeth. These were revealed to be little variable in absolute dimensions. The considerable morphologie variability in the upper premolars permitted the problem of the molarization process to be taken up. An hypothesis concerning the order of eruption of the cheek teeth is formulated based on an examination of a large number of milk dentitions. In conclusion, it is suggested that reservations be held on the value of dental characters classically used in systematics for the group under consideration. 

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Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 3 (1971)

Pantolestidae nouveaux (Mammalia, Insectivora) de l'Eocène moyen de Bouxwiller (Alsace).
Jean-Jacques Jaeger
Keywords: Bouxwiller; Insectivora; Mammalia; Middle Eocene; Pantolestidae

doi: 10.18563/pv.3.3.63-82

    The Pantolestidae from the middle eocene of Bouxwiller are the subject of a detailed study. Buxolestes hammeli (n. g., n. sp.) is not closely related to any other European or North American form described until now; it presents, however, some characters in common with Pantolestes, a form of the same age from North America. A parallel evolution from a common ancestral form could explain this ressemblance.
    Another form (gen. and sp. indet.) accompanies Buxolertes hammeli in the Bouxwiller fauna.

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Published in Vol. 03, Fasc. 3 (1970)

A new Ardynomys (Rodentia,Cylindrodontidae) from the Eocene of the eastern Gobi Desert, Mongolia.
Demberelyin Dashzeveg
Keywords: Ardynomys; Eocene; Mongolia; Rodentia; Systematics

    A partial skull of Ardynomys russelli sp. nov. (Rodentia, Cylindrodontidae) is described. This was collected in the late Eocene of Alag Tsab locality in the eastem Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Ardynomys russelli sp. nov. is characterized by small size, brachyodont molars, and retention of P3. It represents the earliest record of the genus Ardynomys MATTHEW & GRANGER, 1925, in Asia. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Eurodexeinae, eine neue unterfamilie der Artiodactyla (Mammalia) aus dem unter- und mitteleozän europas
Jorg Erfurt and Jean Sudre
Keywords: Artiodactyls; Eocene; evolution; Germany; Lutetian; new genus; New subfamily

    Dichobunoid artiodactyls are described in this paper from the middle Eocene Geiseltal lignite deposits near Halle (Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany). The genera Eurodexis and Parahexacodus are established based on odontologica1 studies. The type-species are E. ceciliensis (FRANZEN & KRUMBIEGEL, 1981) and P. germanicus n. sp. from the "obere Mittelkohle" (see text), MP 13. The genera are referred to the new subfamily Eurodexeinae (Dichobunidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia), which also contains the monospecific genus Eygalayodon SUDRE & MARANDAT, 1993. These new genera show many features similar to North American homacodontids and antiacodontids. They exemplify a high degree of diversity in European dichobunids. Moreover, the family Dichobunidae includes the Dichobuninae and the Hyperdichobuninae. The connection of the posthypocristid with the postentocristid, the shift of a medial to a lingual position of the hypoconulid on the lower molars and the development of a large, caniniform P1 are regarded as the principal tendencies of the eurodexeines. The entoconid is larger and more mesially situated compared to that of Diacodexis. The hypoconulid has a lingual position on a broad postcingulid. The elongation of the premolars and the presence of diastemata are considered associated with extension of the muzzle. This and the acute tubercles of the molars could indicate a limited degree of insectivory. Protodichobune cf. oweni and Diacodexis cf. varleli, first reported here from the "untere Unterkohle" (MP 11) of the Geiseltal, demonstrate the existence of forms in the basal part of the middle Eocene, that are direct descendants of lower Eocene ones. Eurodexis russelli n. sp. from MP 10 of Premontre is the most primitive representative of Eurodexis. A further part of this lineage could be Messelobunodon sp. from MP 11 of Messel (Germany). Another form from Premontre, referred to Eurodexeinae indet., represents the origin of the lineage to Parahexacodus germanicus n. sp. from the Geiseltal (MP 13). The identification of several lineages in MP 10 is evidence of an adaptive radiation during this time. Unfortunately the history of the earlier species of Diacodexis is not known well enough to exclude earlier diversifications. Our study shows the independent development of artiodactyls at the end of the lower Eocene in Europe, North America (and maybe in Asia) with much convergence. The question of the geographic origin of the genus Diacodexis is still open. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)


Otolithes de poissons du Pliocène inférieur de Papiol, près de Barcelone.
Dirk Nolf, Ramon Mané and Agusti Lopez
Keywords: Catalonia; otoliths; Pliocene; Spain; teleosts

    The Zanclian marls from Papiol provided otoliths belonging to 53 teleost taxa; nine of those are new for the Mediterranean Pliocene. The association reflects a bathymetry between 150 and 350 m, but it is likely that such depths only existed at the initial stage of flooding of the Llobregat bay. A compilation of the available data for the whole Mediterranean realm at Zanclian time provided a list of 163 taxa, of which 105 could be identified at species level. This last group provides the most useful data for evaluating the composition and affinities of the Mediterranean Zanclian fauna, which appears to be significantly different from the Recent Mediterranean fauna. The Zanclian fauna counts 68 % of Recent species: 12,5 % were already represented in the Mediterranean Miocene, 37 % appeared there at the Zanclian, and 18 % are extra-Mediterranean today. This last group is essentially composed by oceanic fishes, living in the warm parts of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. It is evident that a non neglectable number of Recent species only penetrated very recently in the Mediterranean, which stresses the differences between the more oceanic Zanclian Mediterranean fauna and the present one.


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Published in Vol. 27, Fasc. 1-2 (1998)

Les vertébres dévoniens de la Montagne Noire (Sud de la France) et leur apport à la phylogénie des pachyosteomorphes (Placodermes Arthrodires).
Hervé Lelièvre, Raimund Feist, Daniel Goujet and Alain Blieck
Keywords: Devonian; Montagne Noire; New taxon; PHYLOGENY; Placoderms; Stratigraphy; Vertebrate

    Several different taxa of jawed vertebrates are reported for the first time from the Devonian of south-eastern Montagne Noire, France. Besides some undeterminable fragments of placoderm fishes from the Pragian and Lower Emsian, the material from the Upper Devonian is mainly represented by Melanosteus occitanus gen. and sp. nov. (Frasnian) and Thoralodus cabrieri LEHMAN, 1952 ("Famennian"). The good state of preservation of Melanosteus allows a detailed anatomical study leading to a phylogenetic analysis of the selenosteid pachyosteomorphs. 

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Published in Vol. 17, Fasc. 1 (1987)

Nouvelle interprétation de l'évolution du genre Megacricetodon au cours du Miocène
Jean-Pierre Aguilar
Keywords: Megacricetodon; Micromammals; Miocene

    La découverte de nouveaux gisements à micromammifères dans le Miocène du Sud de la France et d'Espagne montre que, s'il n'est plus possible d'accepter dans son intégralité le schéma phylétique de Fahlbusch du genre Megacricetodon, il existe toutefois des segments de lignées à l'intérieur de provinces géographiques différentes (Péninsule Ibérique, France, Europe Centrale), avec lesquels on peut établir une biochronologie locale, segments qu'il est aussi possible de placer les uns par rapport aux autres, en utilisant les corrélations que l'on peut reconnaître entre certains niveaux repères des mammalogistes et l'échelle stratigraphique marine.
    En utilisant ces données nouvelles, et d'après l'étude de la première molaire inférieure, nous proposons le
    schéma évolutif suivant, pour les espèces de grande taille :

    1 - au début du Burdigalien supérieur. une espèce commune, M. collongensis, issue de la forme ancestrale M. primitivus, est présente, de la Péninsule Ibérique à l'Europe Centrale. Son évolution est mal connue en Espagne, par contre cette lignée s'éteindrait en France au Burdigalien terminal avec le stade M. gersii nov. sp. de Sansan et de Luc-sur-Orbieu.
    2 - au cours de la régression post-burdigalienne. reconnue en Languedoc et dans la Péninsule Ibérique apparaîtrait une espèce immigrante, M. crusafonti qui, dans cette dernière province, évolue pour donner M. ibericus de Nombrevilla. L'espèce M. gregarius de La Grive M et de La Grenatière dériverait de cette forme immigrants, en ayant une évolution différente.
    3 - en Suisse, Bavière et Europe centrale, la lignée M. primitivus - M. collongensis va s'individualiser, dès le Burdigalien supérieur ou terminal, et donner naissance à la lignée M. bavaricus qui s'éteindra avec le stade M. germanicus nov. sp. du gisement anté - Hipparion de Anwil. Cette dernière espèce a été trouvée pour la première fois en France, dans le gisement de Collet Redon. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Perutherium altiplanense, un Notongulé du Cretacé Supérieur du Pérou
Larry G. Marshall, Christian de Muizon and Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Dental morphology; Late Cretaceous; Notoungulate; Paleobiogeography; Peru

    Perutherium altiplanerise THALER, 1967 from the Late Cretaceous of Peru has long been recognized as South America's oldest known placental mammal. Since its description Perutherium has been generally regarded as having condylarth affinity Based on our identification  of a unique notoungulate synapomorphy we recognize Perutherium as the oldest and the most generalized known member of that order. This new determination and the large taxonomic diversity (five families) of notoungulates in rocks of Paleocene age in Argentina and Brazil, favor a South American origin for this group. The occurrence of notoungulates in rocks of Late Paleocene age in Asia and North America is explained by dispersal of a notoungulate stock from South America to North America and from there to Asia. 

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Published in Vol. 13, Fasc. 4 (1983)

Nouvelle quantification de l'Hypsodontie chez les Theridomyidae : l'exemple de Theridomys ludensis nov. sp.
Monique Vianey-Liaud
Keywords: Dental morphology; evolution; Hypsodonty; Oligocene; Theridomyidae

    A new example of parallelism in the dental pattern ofthe Theridomyidae is illustrated by the description ofa new species: Theridomys Iudensis from the standard level of Antoingt (middle Oligocene). Considering the occurence ofthis parallelism phenomenon. the use of numerous qualitative and quantitative criteria is essential to characterize the different stages ofthe different evolutive lineages. Thus, a new simple parameter is proposed (CHY = H+l/0,5 L) to estimate hypsodonty of the medium hypsodont Rodentia. 

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Published in Vol. 15, Fasc. 3 (1985)

Description des restes d'Elasmobranches (Pisces) du Dévonien moyen de Bolivie
Philippe Janvier
Keywords: South America

    Some fragmentary remains of spines and endoskeletal elements, referred here to as ctenacanthid like elasmobranchs, are recorded in the Middle Devonian of Bolivia. These specimens, and some others from the Eodevonian of Brasil represent the only  Devonian fish remains hitherto known from South America and indicate that further discoveries may be made in their original localities respectively.

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Published in Vol. 07, Fasc. 4 (1977)

Marc Godinot and Phillip D. Gingerich
Keywords: D.E.Russell

    Le présent volume est l'aboutissement d'un projet né il y a presque cinq ans. En décembre 1991, l'un d'entre nous (MG) prenait des contacts en vue de proposer un symposium sur les mammifères fossiles, dédié à D.E. Russell, dans le programme du 4e Congrès de la European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Ce congrès, baptisé "Evolution 93", devait se tenir à Montpellier en août 1993. Son Comité d'Organisation, animé par F. Catzeflis, recherchait des organisateurs de symposiums. L'idée fut acceptée avec enthousiasme par le second d'entre nous (PDG), et le titre de notre Symposium fut précisé: " Palaeobiology and Evolution of Early Cenozoic Mammals - A Symposium in Honor of D.E. Russell". Le projet fut formellement accepté par le Comité d'Organisation en avril 1992. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Rongeurs du Miocène supérieur de Chorora, Ethiopie: Murinae, Dendromurinae et conclusions.
Denis Geraads
Keywords: Ethiopia; Late Miocene; Muridae; Rodentia

    The subfamilies Murinae and "Dendromurinae" both include 4 species at Chorora. Among the former, while Preacomys nov. gen. seems to be a forerunner of Acomys, the affinities of the remaining, poorly known taxa, are more difficult to evaluate. The bulk of the fauna, remarkably, consists of Dendromurines. Their similarities with those of Ngorora tends to pull the site back in time, but the large size and diversity of Murines fit better an age more recent than the very beginning of the Late Miocene.


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Published in Vol. 30, Fasc. 1-2 (2001)

Pseudorhyncocyon cayluxi Filhol, 1892 insectivore géant des phosphorites du Quercy
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Insectivores; Leptictidae; Quercy Phosphorites

    Une hémimandibule et une molaire supérieure recueillies dans le gisement oligocène inférieur d'Escamps (phosphorites du Quercy) fournissent de nouvelles informations sur le genre Pseudorhyncocyon FllHOL, grand insectivore longirostre du Paléogène d'Europe, fossile très mal connu jusqu'ici. Des comparaisons avec les macroscélididés africains, géolabididés nord-américains, et leptictidés euraméricains permettent de rattacher cet amimal aux leptictidés, et de le rapprocher du genre Lepticidium TOBIEN, au sein de la sous-famille européenne nouvelle des pseudorhyncocyoninés. 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974)

Leptacodon nascimentoi n,sp., un nouveau Nyctitheriidae (Mammalia,Lipotyphla) de l'Eocène inférieur de Silveirinha (Baixo Mondego, Portugal)
Carmen Estravis
Keywords: Eocene; Leptacodon; Lipotyphla; Mammals; Nyctitheriidae; Portugal; Silveirinha

    In this article is described a new species of Nyctitheriidae with primitive characters: Leptacodon nascimentoi n. sp. from the early Eocene of Silveirinha (Portugal). 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Nouvelles espèces de Dendromus (Rongeurs,Muriodea) à Langebaanweg (Pliocène,Afrique du Sud) conséquences stratigraphiques et Paléoecologiques
Christiane Denys
Keywords: Dendromurinae; Paleoecology; Pliocene; Rodents; South Africa; Stratigraphy

    New Dendromus species (Rodentia, Muroídea) from Langebaanweg (Pliocene, South Africa). Stratigraphical and paleoecological consequences.

    Two new species of Dendromus are described from the Langebaanweg site which precises the evolutionary trend among this genus in South Africa and gives further paleoenvironmental indications. Two evolutionary stages are described: D. darti nov. sp. shows low-crowned molars with bunodont cusps and its more closest relative would be D. melanozis from the Cape region. On the contrary, D. averyi nov. sp. is more lophodont and is better related with the modem D. melanotis. Both species are at a less evolved stage than the Dendromus sp. from Laetolil Beds at Laetoli. The Langebaanweg deposits cannot still be dated by biostratigraphy but they clearly cannot be older than the basis of Pliocene times. The association of Dendromus and Mystromys in the same levels indicates a grassland environment with woodland patches as well as probable swamps. 

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Published in Vol. 23, Fasc. 1-4 (1994)

The lower Miocene artiodactyls of Tagai bay, Olhon island, lake Baikal (Russia)
Inesa Vislobokova
Keywords: Artiodactyls; Mammals; Miocene; Siberia

    The mammalian fauna of the Tagai locality of Olhon Island in Lake Baikal contains six artiodactyls:
    Amphitragulus boulangeri, Lagomeryx parvulus, Stephanocemas sp., Palaeomeryx kaupi, Orygotherium aff. escheri, and Brachyodus intermedius. They are reported from Eastern Siberia for the first time. A description of teeth and limb-bones are given. An analysis of the systematic composition of the Tagai fauna allows it to be correlated with European faunas of the second part of the Early Miocene (Orleanian, MN 3-4) and permit suggestion of the existance of a united European-Siberian zoogeographical sub-area in the middle latitudes of Eurasia at that time. 

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Published in Vol. 23, Fasc. 1-4 (1994)

On the genus Dikkomys (Geomyoidea, Mammalia)
Morton Green and Philip R. Bjork
Keywords: Dikkomys; Geomyoidae; North America

    The geomyoid genus Dikkomys is well represented in a sample from the Black Bear Quarry Il local fauna of Early Hemingfordian age in Bennett County, South Dakota. Isolated unworn P/4's of Dikkomys matthewi WOOD have a prominent median cristid (sagicristid) with a connection to the metaconid and the hypolophid. With wear, P/4 does not become as molariform as P/4 because of this cristid.
    A large sample of the Whitneyan beteromyid Proheteromys nebraskensis WOOD contains variants of the P/4 with on incipient sagicristid in approximately 18 percent of the population. The upper dentition and lower molars of Proheteromys nebraskensis are sufficiently generalized to indicate probable ancestry to Dikkomys

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)