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The stratigraphic sequence of North American rodent faunas
Robert W. Wilson
Keywords: North America; Rodents; Stratigraphic sequence

    Rodents first appear in the latest Paleocene or earliest Eocene as very fragmentary specimens (Family Paramyidae) known largely from a single locality. After this sparse beginning, rodents are usually abundant in the North American record if proper recovery methods are used. Utilization of rodents for biostratigraphic purposes depends on 1/ extinction, and 2/ replacement by evolution of endemic groups and/or incursions of Old World rodents, and rarely and late by South American kinds. These incursions are separated by relatively long periods of isolation in the Paleogene, but more episodic in the Neogene. At least 10 rodent zones can be characterized by major distinctions, and these zones can be amplified into as many as 16 with little trouble. In general, rodent genera permit as refined a zonation as do genera of large mammals. Distinction at a specific level has not been attempted herein except in the Blancan and Post-Blancan. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Rongeurs caviomorphes de l'Oligocène de Bolivie. 1 Introduction au deseadien de Bolivie
Robert Hoffstetter
Keywords: Rodentia; South America

    The Tertiary of the Salla-Luribay basin consists of red beds affected by the second period of the andine compression, of Miocene ending age. The Tertiary layers are exposed at an approximate elevation of 3.500 to 4.000 meters. Two stratigraphic units can be distinguished in them: the Luribay conglomerates, in which vertical clifts result from erosion, and the Salla layers consisting mostly of consolidated clays. These clays are very fossiliferous and have furnished a rich vertebrate fauna which gave to R. Hoffstetter the possibility to establish the Oligocene age of these beds. Sediments of same age has been reported to be present in several other places of Bolivia, particularly near Lacayani, where have been collected highly hypsodont Rodents, different from those found in Salla-Luribay basin. 

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Published in Vol. 07, Fasc. 3 (1976)

Rongeurs Caviomorphes de l'Oligocène de Bolivie. 2 Rongeurs du Bassin Deseadien de Salla-Luribat.
René Lavocat
Keywords: cranium; Paleobiogeography; Rodentia

    The fauna studied in the following work involves the dentitions and skulls more or less complete of 5 genera, among which only Cephalomys was previously known by its skull. One must notice that the Salla's species of this genus is a new one. Sallamys, rather small, shows a dentition rather similar to that of Platypittamys Wood from Patagonia. The upper molars, more primitive than those of this last genus, according to the smaller dimensions of the hypocone, retain a distinct metaloph. This metaloph tends to be reduced in a way which may give us a possibility to understand how it disappeared in Platypittamys. The upper P4 can be compared as well to that of Platypittamys as to that of Gaudeamus from the African Oligocene. The lower P4, more molarized than that of Platypittamys, is already moving towards the miocene type of structure. The infraorbital foramen is wide and the insertion of the masseter on the muzzle is spacious. Branisamys, genus of a great size, shows an auditory region partly preserved, peculiarly the promontorium with the fenestra rotunda, entirely of the Hystricognathi type. Upper molars are very clearly pentalophodont. A new reconstruction is proposed for the tooth called Villarroelomys by Hartenberger. This tooth is shown to be a lower D4, perhaps of Branisamys , certainly of a rather nearly allied form, and Hartenberger does agree with the essential part of this new conclusion. Of Incamys, two incomplete skulls are known, each one being admitted to be the type of a distinct species, the first one being I. bolivianus, I. pretiosus the second. The infraorbital foramen is of a great size and the impression of the masseter on the muzzle is spacious. The sphenopalatine foramen is widely developed and of a really very uncommon great size. Only Thryonomys from Africa shows a similar tendency to the enlargement of this foramen, but not so extreme. The main basicranial foramina can be observed. The upper teeth, hemi-hypsodont, show, either a vestigial metaloph, similar to that of recent Thryonomys from Africa, associated with a well developed mesoloph, either a well developed metaloph, while the mesoloph is reduced or absent. Cephalomys was previously known by anterior parts of the skull showing a wide infraorbital foramen and a spacious facial insertion of the masseter. Its lacrymal is of the phiomorph type and the spheno-palatine foramen is seemingly of great size, like in Incamys. The species is new. The varied peculiarities of the upper teeth of these genera can be easily understood if we refer to the plan of the teeth of Phiomys andrewsi from the Oligocene and Miocene of Africa. The structure of this genus, clearly more primitive, still typically brachyodont, shows and clearly explains the fundamental coherence of the varied realisations arised from such a structure. Luribayomys n.g. is known only by an anterior half of a skull without teeth. It is remarquable by the great development of the masseter's insertions on the muzzle and by the lacrymal region, well preserved, typically phiomorphid. The classification previously published by A.E. Wood and B. Patterson is granted in its essential parts, provisionally, but not as a definitive solution. Nevertheless the Dasyproctidae are integrated within the Cavioidea, following the conclusions of Bugge and of Vucetich, reached independently. The conclusion emphasizes the exceptional meaning of the fauna of Salla-Luribay. This shows that Platypittamys, while interesting, can no more be supposed certainly representative of the normal structure of the Oligocene Caviomorph, and not even of their ancestors. The anatomical peculiarities exhibited in these new samples, auditory region, lacrymal, spheno-palatine foramen, reinforce the primitive structural identity with the Phiomorpha. Similarly, the new lower D4 favour very close relationships, ever if the affinities of the D4 has been questioned or minimized by Wood and Patterson. It is certainly possible to admit that parallelism could explain limited similarities, like the presence in North America of Rodents with an hystricomorph type of infraorbital foramen and an hystricognath mandible. But if the parallelism could be a sufficient explanation of the identical association of multiple and complete structures observed in the Caviomorpha and Phiomorpha, all the Zoological systematic would have to be questioned. The last positions of A.E. Wood on the subject (1975) are revised and criticised, and the recent publications studying the problems of distance between Africa and South America in Eocene time, as a consequence of the drift, are quoted; the possibility of transportation by rafts is shown. A new hypothesis is proposed about the interrelationships of Pentalophodont Rodents, with interesting paleobiogeographic implications. 

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Published in Vol. 07, Fasc. 3 (1976)

La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertebres du Ludien supérieur. 10 - Paléothérides (Perissodactyles).
Jean-Albert Remy
Keywords: Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    La poche à phosphorite de Sainte-Néboule (Lot) a livré au cours des récentes campagnes de fouilles effectuées dans le cadre de la Rep 311 une douzaine de dents ou fragments de dents de paléothéridés à rapporter à 3 taxons. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

The Ctenodactylidae (Rodentia) from the Oligocene of Ulantatal (inner Mongolia, China)
Monique Vianey-Liaud, Norbert Schmidt-Kittler and Laurent Marivaux
Keywords: Adaptive radiation; Ctenodactylidae; Mongolia; Oligocene; Rodents

    This paper proposes a systematic revision of the Oligocene Mongolian Ctenodactylidae, on the basis of abundant material obtained by screen/washing operations in stratified localities of the Ulantatal area (Inner Mongolia) (UTL1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6 & 8). A Chinese-German team has collected several thousands of isolated rodent teeth, and a number of fragmentary jaws. A new genus is identified (Alashania nov. gen. tengkoliensis nov. sp.), and eight former species are reevaluated, Karakoromys decessus, Tataromys sigmodon, T. minor, T. plicidens, Yindirtemys ulantatalensis, Y. bohlini, Y. deflexus, with several synonymies. A new Yindirtemys species is described: Y. shevyrevae nov. sp. and another one close to that: Y. aff. shevyrevae nov. sp. Four new species, which are rare in the localities, remain in open nomenclature because they are not well-represented. Yindirtemys differs from the other genera by the permanence of crescentic structures, while the other genera show a general reduction of the trigonoid area (= anterior valley). We define a range of size variation for each well documented population. Although the dental morphology shows a wide range of variation, given that transitional morphologies occur in a single locality, it is possible to provide a clear definition for most species. We show that dental patterns of the different genera can be derived from the pattern of Karakoromys. As a number of Tataromyinae have been determined in several localities from China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, usually on the basis of scarce material, or surface collections, the present study would be used to re-evaluate their attribution inasmuch as the taxa are now placed in the Oligocene stratigraphy. The diversity of sizes and forms reflects the adaptive radiation of the family during the Oligocene, within a forested environment where the vegetation was probably abundant. 

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Published in Vol. 34, Fasc. 3-4 (2006)

Les Bovidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) du Miocène moyen de la formation Hofuf (Province du Hasa, Arabie Saoudite).
Herbert Thomas
Keywords: Biostratigraphy; Bovidae; Middle Miocene; Palaeogeography; Saudi Arabia

    The study of the bovids from Al Jadidah (Hofuf Formation, Saudi Arabia) confirms that the fauna comes from a pre-Hipparion level. The Al Jadidah age is close to that of Fort Ternan (14 m.y.) and Beni Mellal, but cannot be older than that of Fort Ternan. The age of the Hofuf Formation is close to but slightly older than the oldest deposits of the Ngorora Formation (Kenya). 7 to 9 species have been recorded, of which 2 to 4 remain indeterminate. If the great specific diversity of te bovids from this locality gives evidence of immigrations from anterior Asia (Turkey) (e.g. Pachytragus Iigabuei sp. nov.), the bovid assemblage of Al Jadidah results in fact from a double influence: from the anterior Asia and mainly from Africa (e.g. the Caprotragoides lineage and the Neotragini? Homoiodorcas). The Al Jadidah bovids reflect, on the whole, the predominant character of open to very open environment, which supports the conclusions drawn from our two preliminary studies. 

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Published in Vol. 13, Fasc. 5 (1983)

Owls, caves and fossils. Predation, preservation and accumulation of small mammal bones in caves, with an analysis of the Pleistocene cave faunas from Westbury-Sub-Mendip, Somerset, UK, par Peter Andrews, 1990. The University of Chicago Press, 232 p.
Christiane Denys
Keywords: caves; owls; preservation; taphonomy

    La taphonomie (science de l'enfouissement et de la fossilisation) des micromammifères a trop souvent été négligée par rapport à celle des grands mammifères. Or, pour expliquer les concentrations parfois très importantes de microfossiles dans les grottes et les sites préhistoriques il faut connaître les mécanismes qui concourrent actuellement à favoriser les accumulations de ces derniers. C'est le but de l'ouvrage de Peter Andrews qui se décompose en deux parties. 

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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 1 (1992)

Rongeurs muroidés du Néogène supérieur d'Afghanistan, évolution, biogéographie, corrélations
Louis D. Brandy
Keywords: Afghanistan; Muroidea; Neogene

    The rodent faunas of five afghan localities found in 1976 and 1977 (Sherullah, Ghazgay, Pul-e Charkhi, Dawrankhel 14 and 15) are studied.
    The rodents (Muridae, Cricetidae and Rhizomyidae) represent 8 genera and 10 species. The detailed description of the 2 new genera and 7 species diagnosed in 1979 is given. An other species is created : Pseudomeriones crapouilloti n. sp. These faunas precise the origin and diversification of Muridae and Cricetidae. A phyletic lineage known in Afghanistan is represented in East Africa by a ramus or a collateral lineage. The five localities are dated from Lower Turolian to Ruscinian. They constitute the frame of a chronologie scale for the Upper Continental Neogene of Afghanistan.
    The study of afghan material brings new data to the biogeography of Old Word's rodents during the Upper Neogene; from Pakistan to Europe and Africa, a rather warm and damp province would have existed till Upper Miocene; after which (in the mio-pliocene epoch) it would have divided into 3 parts, by aridification of the central area. 

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Published in Vol. 11, Fasc. 4 (1981)

La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertebres du Ludien supérieur. 8- Insectivores et Chiroptères.
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    The small insectivorous placental mammals from Ste-Néboule are poorly varied. Two orders of insectivores are documented : the Proteutheria by Pseudorhyncocyon cayluxi (leptictids), the Lipotyphla by Saturninia gracilis and S. beata (nyctitheriids). The bats are only rhinolophoids and mostly hipposiderids. Sufficient populations allow us to restrict the original definitions of three previous species (Hipposideros schlosseri, Palaeophyllophora quercyi, P. oltina). From now, these species can be regarded as monophyletíc. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

Rongeurs Miocènes dans le valles-Penedes 1 : Les rongeurs de Can Ponsic 1
Jean-Louis Hartenberger and Miquel Crusafont i Pairó
Keywords: Can Ponsic 1; Miocene; Rodents; Valles-Penedes

    The rodents from the spanish locality of Can Ponsic 1 bring new data about some rodents species of the beginning of the Upper Miocene in South-West Europe. The criticims made by Mein and Freudenthal about the validity of the species Hispanomys thaleri from Can Llobateres are not justiíied. The study of the anatomy of the skull of Rotundomys from Can Ponsic 1 gives accurate information about the affinity of this genus with Cricetulus, and shows that the hypothesis, according to which Rotundomys is an ancestral form of the Arvicolids, is unlikely. The systematics of Heteroxerus and the phylogeny of the mio-pliocene Muscardinus species are also discussed. The Can Ponsic 1 locality is a little older than Can Llobateres.


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Published in Vol. 09, Fasc. 1 (1979)

Contribution à l'étude des genres Gliravus et Microparamys (Rodentia) de l'Eocène d'Europe.
Jean-Louis Hartenberger
Keywords: Eocene; Gliravus; Microparamys; Rodentia

doi: 10.18563/pv.4.4.97-135

    Based on material found in about 15 localities the relationships of the genera Microparamys and Glirarus have been studied. One new genus, two subgenera and three species [Microparamys (Sparnacomys) chandoni n. subgen. and n. sp., Microparamys (Pantrogna) russelli n. subgen., Eoglirarus wildi n. gen. and n. sp., Gliravus meridionalis n. sp.] as well as the publication
    of numerous new facts concerning species previously reported, support the phyletic scheme proposed. The latter shows that the origin of the Gliravinae is to be sought among the very small and still rather poorly known Microparamys species of the early Eocene. Gliravus: robiacensis can be considered as the common ancestor to different lineages not only of Glirarus but also of modern genera (Peridyromys, Glirudinus and Microdyromyx), at the origin of which Peridyromys micio, although difficult  to interpret, occupies a similar place.

    The stratigraphic conclusions permit more detail in the chronologie succession of the localities studied. The paleoecologic and biogeographic aspects lead one to the problem of the oligocene "Grande Coupure" through the study of this group.


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Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 4 (1971)

Repartition et dynamisme des faunes de Lacertilia et d'Amphisbaenia dans l'Eocène Europe
Marc Augé
Keywords: Amphisbaenia; climate; Endemism; Eocene; Europe; Lacertilia; Metabolism

    The composition of assemblages of lizards and Amphisbaenian from the European Eocene are described. At least ten lizard families are identified from the lower European Eocene levels. Eight are still recorded in the last level (Escamps) of the late Eocene. Agamid lizards (genus Tinosaurus) died out by the end of the lower Eocene and Varanid lizards (genus Saniwa) disappeared by the beginning of the late Eocene. Amphisbaenians are recorded throughout the Eocene in Europe. The lacertilian fossil record of Europe and North America show a high degree of faunal resemblance in the early Eocene, followed by a decrease during the later part of the epoch. The lacertilian and amphisbaenian faunas from the European Eocene are not subject to great variations during the period; this is in contrast with the mammal record at the same time. It is argued that the low metabolic rates and the ectothermy of lizards could explain those differences, along with the increasing insularity of the West European area during the late Eocene time.


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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 2-3 (1993)

First report of an Eocene reptile fauna from Florida, USA
Alan J. Holman
Keywords: Eocene; Fauna; Florida; Reptile; USA

    Fossils of the Trionychidae, Bataguridae or Emydidae, Palaeophis and Crocodylia from Chattahoochee, NW Florida, USA, represent the first report of an Eocene reptile fauna from Florida. 

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Published in Vol. 30, Fasc. 1-2 (2001)

Fossil snakes from the Palaeocene of Sao José de Itaborai, Brazil, Part II. Boidae
Jean-Claude Rage
Keywords: Boidae; Boinae; Brazil; Erycinae; New taxa; Palaeocene; Snakes

    The middle Palaeocene of São José de ltaboraí (State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) has produced a rich and diverse fauna of boid snakes. It comprises six or seven species: Hechtophis austrinus gen. et sp. nov., Corallus priscus sp. nov., Waincophís pressulus sp. nov., Waincophis cameratus sp. nov.,"Boinae A", and "Boinae B". Moreover, two dentaries might pertain to either H. austrinus or "Boinae B", or even represent a distinct taxon. Hechtophis austrinus is assigned, with reservation, to the Erycinae. All other taxa are referred to the Boinae. The vertebrae of all taxa have paracotylar foramina, which raises the problem of the apomorphic or plesiomorphic nature of this feature. This fauna also raises the question of the presence of extinct erycine boids in South America, but it does not allow this question to be settled. 

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Published in Vol. 30, Fasc. 3-4 (2001)

The endocranial cast and encephalization quotient of Ptilodus (Multituberculata, Mammalia)
David W. Krause and Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska
Keywords: encephaIization quotient; endocranial cast; Montana; Multituberculata; olfactory bulbs; Paleocene; Ptilodus

    Simpson (1937a) reconstructed the brain of the Paleocene multituberculate Ptilodus as having the olfactory bulbs widest anteriorly, an unusual condition among mammals. Slight preparation and reexamination of the endocast specimens of Ptilodus reveals that the olfactory bulbs in fact taper anteriorly, as in the recently-described endocranial casts of three multituberculate species from the Late Cretaceous of Asia, and as in those of other mammals. The brain of Ptilodus was therefore essentially of the same general pattem as in other multituberculates. Ptilodus differs, however, in having the vermis more deeply inserted between the cerebral hemispheres. Other details concerning the endocast morphology of Ptilodus are clarified.

    The encephalization quotient (EQ) of Ptilodus is recalculated from revised estimates of both endocranial volume and body mass to fall somewhere within a broad range of values; from 0.41 to 0.62 if the olfactory bulbs are included and from 0.37 to 0.55 if they are not. In any case, the relative brain size of Ptilodus is roughly equivalent to that of Chulsanbaatar, the only other multituberculate for which EQ has been calculated, but considerably smaller than that of an average extant mammnal. 

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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 2-3 (1993)


Premières données sur les carnivores fissipèdes provenant des fouilles récentes dans le Quercy
Louis de Bonis
Keywords: Carnivores; Quercy phosphorites

    Abstract not available 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974)

D'important restes de Diplobune minor FILHOL à Itardies (Quercy)
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Diplobune; Quercy phosphorites

    Abstract not available 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. Avant propos.
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Editorial; Mammalia; Montredon; Upper Miocene

    Le Mémoire Extraordinaire 1988 de PALAEOVERTEBRATA regroupe dix articles consacrés au gisement à mammifères du Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault), connu et classique depuis la fin du siècle dernier, et auquel est lié le nom du savant paléontologue lyonnais Charles Depéret.
    Cette monographie vient normalement à la suite de celle parue en 1982 dans PALAEOVERTEBRATA, dont les différents articles traitaient de la stratigraphie du gisement, et faisaient l'étude des différents groupes de micromammifères représentés dans la faune (insectivores, chiroptères, rongeurs). 

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 4 - Les artiodactyles Suidae.
Léonard Ginsburg
Keywords: Artiodactyla; France; Mammalia; Montredon; Upper Miocene

    There is only one suid known in the Upper Miocene of Montredon (Hérault): Microstonyx (Limnostonyx nov. subgen.) antiquus (KAUP). It is differenciated from Microstonyx major by the presence of upper and lower canines which are considerably longer and biger. Its presence at Montredon corroborates the palustrine habitat for the species. 

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 10 - Conclusions générales
Jacques Michaux
Keywords: Mammalia; Montredon; Upper Miocene

    Le présent volume traite des lagomorphes, carnivores, artiodactyles, périssodactyles et proboscidiens de la faune de Montredon (Hérault). Il clôt la monographie de ce célèbre gisement d'âge miocène supérieur du Languedoc, dont la première partie, relative aux rongeurs, insectivores et chiroptères, fut publiée en 1982.

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)