Print ISSN: 0031-0247
Online ISSN: 2274-0333
Frequency: biannual
Abstract book of the 18th Conference of the EAVP
Diversity changes in South American Cenozoic mammals
New Gargantuavis specimens from the Late Cretaceous of France
Giant birds Liornis and Callornis
Paleocene Palaeocarcharodon from Maryland
Eocene (56) , Quercy Phosphorites (37) , Systematics (31) , Rodents (29) , Mammalia (26)
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Strange Eocene rodents from SpainPablo Pelaez-Campomanes and Nieves Lopez-MartinezKeywords: Biogeography; Eocene; PHYLOGENY; Rodents; Spain; Zamoramys extraneus n. gen. n. sp.Abstract A new European rodent from the middle Eocene of Spain, Zamoramys extraneus n. gen., n. sp., appears to be closely related to the middle Eocene chapattimyid rodents of Indo-Pakistan. This contradicts the generally accepted paleobiogeographic hypothesis of a Tethyian barrier between Europe and Asia isolating Europe during the middle Eocene. Because of this barrier, some authors have proposed that European and Asian rodents were not closely related, their similarity being the result of morphological convergence. Here monophyly has been tested, using the parsimony criterion, based on an analysis of dental characters (including discussing of homology and the validity of some characteristics). Our results indicate a phylogenetic relationship among the Asiatic Ctenodactyloidea, Zamoramys from Spain, and the European endemic Theridomyoidea. We also conclude from our analysis that theridomyoids and European ischyromyoids are probably not closely related phylogenetically. Article infos Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996) |
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A new rodent from Quaternary deposits of the Canary Islands and its relationships with Neogène and recent murids of Europe and Africa.Rainer Hutterer, Nieves Lopez-Martinez and Jacques MichauxKeywords: Canary Islands; Holocene; Island evolution; Muridae; PHYLOGENY; Rodents; SpainAbstract A peculiar new rodent, Malpaisomys insularis nov. gen., nov. sp., is described from subfossil deposits of the eastern Canary Islands. The species shows some highly specialized skull features although its molars exhibit a mixture of primitive and derived characters among which a partial stephanodonty is most notable. A comparison of the new rodent with several Miocene to Holocene Muridae shows that Malpaisomys possibly shares a common ancestor with Acomys and Uranomys. Article infos Published in Vol. 18, Fasc. 4 (1988) |
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Insectivores pliocènes du Sud de la France (Languedoc-Roussillon) et du Nord-Est de l'Espagne.Jean-Yves CrochetKeywords: Biostratigraphy; Insectivora; Languedoc; Pliocene; Spain; SystematicsAbstract The first lists of Insectivores (Erinaceidae, Talpidae and Soricidae) from the Pliocene beds of Southern France and North-East Spain are given in this paper. The material from twelve localities is studied. These localities are geographically situated in Languedoc (Celleneuve, Vendargues, Nîmes, Sète, Balaruc 2 and Seynes), in Roussillon (Terrats, Serrats-d'en-Vacquer, Château d'eau and Mont-Hélène) and in North-East Spain (Layna, Medas Islands and Puebla de Valverde). These faunas correspond to the Early, Middle and Late Pliocene. 1 to 8 taxa are identified in these localities and 14 specific taxa are presently listed for this period in this area. Two new specific taxa are described as Galerix depereti nov. sp. from all the Early Pliocene localities in the North-Pyrenean area and as Desmanella gardiolensis nov. sp. from Balaruc 2. For this small mammals, two faunal assemblages are recognized. The first one is dated from the Early Pliocene (F 1, 2 and 3 zones in Aguilar et Michaux) and is characterized by Galerix depereti and rare and little diversified Soricids. The second one is Late Pliocene in age (zones G 2 and G 3). The fossils of the genus Talpa are relatively abundant and the Soricids are diversified and very abundant. The Middle Pliocene (zone G 1) is a transitional period. ln these faunas, most of the insectivore genera are known from the European Late Miocene beds (8 on 10). This fact demonstrates a relative continuity between the invectivore faunas from the Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene. In conclusion, somme paleoecological considerations are suggested. Article infos Published in Vol. 16, Fasc. 3 (1986) |
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Le genre Microstonyx en Espagne et ses relations avec les autres espèces du même genre hors d'EspagneJuana M. Golpe-PosseKeywords: Microstonyx; Spain; SuidaeAbstract The genus Microstonyx was found only in the north eastern part of Spain : M. antiquus, referable to the Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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Prospection paléontologique de la région de Torralba de Ribota (Burdigalien du bassin de Calatayud, prov. de Zaragoza, Espagne)Edouard Boné, Maria T. Alberdi, Manuel Hoyos and Nieves Lopez-MartinezKeywords: Faunal assemblage; Macromammals; Spain; Zaragoza prov.Abstract The study of another faunal assemblage (mostly macromammals) from Torralba de Ribota (Calatayud, Zara- Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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Arvicolinae (Rodentia) du Pliocène terminal et du quaternaire ancien de France et d'Espagne.Jacques MichauxKeywords: Arvicolinae; France; Pleistocene; Pliocene; Spaindoi: 10.18563/pv.4.5.137-214 Abstract Two steps can be distinguished in the history of the first invasion of western and south western Europe by the arvicolines. The first step corresponds to the installation of these rodents with the immigration of Promimonys inxuliferus Kowalski, then of Mimomys stehlini Kormos and of Mimomys gracilis (Kretzoi). The second is characterized by the establishment of a geographic differentiation in the arvicoline fauna between the south of France and Spain, from where are described new species of Mimomys (Mimamys cappettai, Mimomys septimanus, Mimonys medasensis), and the rest of France, where are found only elements already known from central Europe or England (Mimomys polonicus Kowalski, Mimomys pliocaenicus F. Major, Mimomys reidi Hinton, or forms very close to the latter). This geographic differentiation, which is very certainly the consequence of the division of Europe into distinct climatic provinces, one of them being the southern province comprising at least Spain and southern France, could result from a cladogenetic evolution of Mimomys stehlini and Mimomys gracilis after their immigration. The present work is also a contribution to the search for correlations between the diverse micromammal localities of the latest Pliocene (or early Villafranchian) and of the early Quaternary of Europe. Article infos Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 5 (1971) |
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Une nouvelle espèce d'Hipparion du Miocène terminal d'Espagne.Miquel Crusafont i Pairó and P. SondaarKeywords: Hipparion; Late Miocene; Spain; Villafranchiandoi: 10.18563/pv.4.2.59-66 Abstract The recently discovered, very rich, Pliocene locality of Layna (Soria, Spain), has already yielded 30 species of mammals. Hipparion fissurae, described here is more dolichopodic than other Hipparion. It is related to Hipparion crusafonti from Villaroya (Villafranchian), but more slender between other characters. Article infos Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 2 (1971) |