Print ISSN: 0031-0247
Online ISSN: 2274-0333
Frequency: biannual
Abstract book of the 18th Conference of the EAVP
Diversity changes in South American Cenozoic mammals
New Gargantuavis specimens from the Late Cretaceous of France
Giant birds Liornis and Callornis
Paleocene Palaeocarcharodon from Maryland
Eocene (56) , Quercy Phosphorites (37) , Systematics (31) , Rodents (29) , Mammalia (26)
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Analyse d'ouvrage: “A.G. SMITH, D.G. SMITH & B.M. FUNNELL: Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic coastlines (1995)”Jacques MichauxKeywords: Atlas; Book review; Cenozoic; Coastlines; MesozoicAbstract ATLAS OF MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC COASTLINES, par Alan G. SMITH, David G. SMITH & Brian M. FUNNELL, 1995. Cambridge University Press, 99 p., 31 cartes, 3 tab!., 2 fig. ISBN 0-521-45155-8. Article infos Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 1 (1996) |
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Analyse d'ouvrage: “J.J. THOMASON (Ed.): Functional morphology invertebrate paleontology (1995)”Jacques MichauxKeywords: Book review; Functional morphologyAbstract Functional morphology invertebrate paleontology, édité par Jeffrey J. THOMASON, 1995. Cambridge University Press, xi + 277 p. ISBN 0-521-44095-5, f. 45,00 ($ 69,95). Article infos Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 1 (1996) |
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Les nouvelles faunes de rongeurs proches de la limite mio-pliocène en Roussillon. Implications biostratigraphiques et biogéographiquesJean-Pierre Aguilar, Jacques Michaux, Bernadette Bachelet, Marc Calvet and Jean-Pierre FaillatKeywords: Arvicolidae; Cricetidae; Gliridae; Miocene; Muridae; Pliocene; Rodents; Southern FranceAbstract Three new fossiliferous localities, two of karstic origin, Castelnou 3 and Font Estramar, respectively Late Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene, and one of lacustrine origin, Thuir, Lower Pliocene, add data about the transition between Miocene and Pliocene faunas of rodents in southern France. An unexpected association of taxa was present in the late Upper Miocene, including between others, Myocricetodon, Hispanomys, Ruscinomys, Cricetus barrierei, Promimomys and a new species of Stephanomys, S. dubari nov. sp. Myocricetodon is still known in the Lower Pliocene. It is shown that the large field-mice known since the Late Upper Miocene belong to two different lineages, on one side, A. jeanteti, on the other side, A. gudrunae followed by A. gorafensis. Biochronological and biogeographical implications are discussed. Article infos Published in Vol. 20, Fasc. 4 (1991) |
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Les mammifères post-glaciaires de Corse. Etude Archéozoologique.Jacques MichauxKeywords: Book reviewAbstract Les mammifères post-glaciaires de Corse. Etude Archéozoologique, par Jean-Denis Vigne, 1988. XXVle suppléments à "Gallia Préhistoire". Editions du C.N.R.S., Paris, 337 p. FRF 300. ISSN 0072-0100, ISBN 2-222-04130-9. Article infos Published in Vol. 19, Fasc. 1 (1989) |
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A new rodent from Quaternary deposits of the Canary Islands and its relationships with Neogène and recent murids of Europe and Africa.Rainer Hutterer, Nieves Lopez-Martinez and Jacques MichauxKeywords: Canary Islands; Holocene; Island evolution; Muridae; PHYLOGENY; Rodents; SpainAbstract A peculiar new rodent, Malpaisomys insularis nov. gen., nov. sp., is described from subfossil deposits of the eastern Canary Islands. The species shows some highly specialized skull features although its molars exhibit a mixture of primitive and derived characters among which a partial stephanodonty is most notable. A comparison of the new rodent with several Miocene to Holocene Muridae shows that Malpaisomys possibly shares a common ancestor with Acomys and Uranomys. Article infos Published in Vol. 18, Fasc. 4 (1988) |
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Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 10 - Conclusions généralesJacques MichauxKeywords: Mammalia; Montredon; Upper MioceneAbstract Le présent volume traite des lagomorphes, carnivores, artiodactyles, périssodactyles et proboscidiens de la faune de Montredon (Hérault). Il clôt la monographie de ce célèbre gisement d'âge miocène supérieur du Languedoc, dont la première partie, relative aux rongeurs, insectivores et chiroptères, fut publiée en 1982. Article infos Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988) |
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Description des rongeurs Pliocènes de la faune du Mont-Hélène (Pyrénées-Orientales, France), nouveau jalon entre les faunes de Perpignan (Serrat-d'en-Vacquer) et de Sète.Jean-Pierre Aguilar, Marc Calvet and Jacques MichauxKeywords: Chronology; Climatology; France; Mont-Hélène; Pliocene; RodentsAbstract The Mont-Hélène's fauna [Pyrénées-Orientales, France], includes 15 species of rodents with a new one, Occitanomys montheleni n. sp. among the 9 species of the Murids which are listed. The uncommon Cricetid, Blancomys neglectus, is well represented in the fauna. Peculiarities of the population referred to Slephanomys cf. donnezaniare discussed. The locality a fissure filling may be the oldest one of Tabianian age known in Southern France. The diversity of the Murids gives evidence of a subtropical climate and of a diversified environment which may be linked to the spreading of the coastal plain following the filling up of the Roussillon Neogene Basin. Article infos Published in Vol. 16, Fasc. 3 (1986) |
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Première occurrence d'un mégachiroptère ptéropodidé dans le Miocène moyen d'Europe (Gisement de Lo Fournas-II, Pyrénées-Orientales, France).Jean-Pierre Aguilar, Marc Calvet, Jean-Yves Crochet, Serge Legendre, Jacques Michaux and Bernard SigéKeywords: Europe; First occurence; Megachiroptera; Middle Miocene; TeethAbstract A lot of isolated teeth of a pteropodid fruit bat has been recently found within an assemblage of micromammals recovered from a karstic fissure filling named Lo Fournas-Il near the locality of Baixas (Pyrénées-Orientales, France). The fauna is Middle Miocene Serravallian age. The fossil fruit bat appears morphologically close to Rousettus; its size is that of a recent medium-sized fruit bat. While the fruit bats are very poorly known as fossils, this discovery shows that one of their recent types of dentitions was perfectly established by Middle Miocene times, and supports the presumed long geologic story of the suborder. One of the major invasions of the Old World fruit bats, supposed originated from SE Asia, reached up to Europe. A suborder unit is added to the miocene fauna of this continent. Article infos Published in Vol. 16, Fasc. 3 (1986) |
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A.J.Sutcliffe. On the track of Ice Age mammalsJacques MichauxKeywords: Book reviewAbstract On the Track of Ice Age Mammals justifie pleinement son titre car l'auteur, Anthony J. Sutcliffe, apporte au lecteur faits et interprétations qui l'amèneront à s'intéresser encore plus au passé récent et à l'avenir de son environnement et à la question de l'impact de l'homme sur la nature. Après les chapitres qui présentent les temps glaciaires et les divers témoignages qui nous en sont parvenus, les cinquième et sixième apportent les informations nécessaires à la compréhension des résultats que nous donnent les chercheurs: principes, moyens d'étude et limites des méthodes, difficultés de l'intégration des données dans un cadre stratigraphique, variabilité des signaux climatiques, variabilité de leur intensité selon l'endroit par rapport au centre de la glaciation, complications liées à la qualité inégale de l'enregistrement géologique, en mer et sur le continent. Article infos Published in Vol. 15, Fasc. 4 (1985) |
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Handbuch der Paläeoherpetologie Teil 11: SerpentesJacques MichauxKeywords: Book reviewAbstract Le volume 11 du «Handbuch der Paläeoherpetologie», consacré aux «Serpellles» et redigé par Jean-Claude Rage, apporte une remarquable information sur ce groupe particulier de reptiles dont on ne pouvait guere se faire une idée très précise à partir, par exemple, des seuls chapitres des traités classiques de Paléontologie et de Zoologie. Article infos Published in Vol. 14, Fasc. 3 (1984) |
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Préface au mémoire jubilaire en hommage à René LavocatJacques MichauxKeywords: EditorialAbstract Monsieur René Lavocat, Directeur du Laboratoire de Paléontologie des Vertébrés de la troisième section de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, quittait le service actif en l'année 1979. View editorial Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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Premières données sur les rongeurs de la formation de Ch'orora (Ethiopie) d'âge Miocène supérieur. I: ThryonomyidésJean-Jacques Jaeger, Jacques Michaux and Maurice SabatierKeywords: Ethiopia; Paraulacodus; Rodents; Upper MioceneAbstract The genus Paraulacodus has been collected in the Ch'orora formation of Upper Miocene age, in Ethiopia. The new species, P. johanesi n. sp.. is more evolved than the previously described indian species P. indicus HINTON of the Siwalik Hills area. The morphological gap between P. johanesi and the present Thryonomys is still important. Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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Arvicolinae (Rodentia) du Pliocène terminal et du quaternaire ancien de France et d'Espagne.Jacques MichauxKeywords: Arvicolinae; France; Pleistocene; Pliocene; Spaindoi: 10.18563/pv.4.5.137-214 Abstract Two steps can be distinguished in the history of the first invasion of western and south western Europe by the arvicolines. The first step corresponds to the installation of these rodents with the immigration of Promimonys inxuliferus Kowalski, then of Mimomys stehlini Kormos and of Mimomys gracilis (Kretzoi). The second is characterized by the establishment of a geographic differentiation in the arvicoline fauna between the south of France and Spain, from where are described new species of Mimomys (Mimamys cappettai, Mimomys septimanus, Mimonys medasensis), and the rest of France, where are found only elements already known from central Europe or England (Mimomys polonicus Kowalski, Mimomys pliocaenicus F. Major, Mimomys reidi Hinton, or forms very close to the latter). This geographic differentiation, which is very certainly the consequence of the division of Europe into distinct climatic provinces, one of them being the southern province comprising at least Spain and southern France, could result from a cladogenetic evolution of Mimomys stehlini and Mimomys gracilis after their immigration. The present work is also a contribution to the search for correlations between the diverse micromammal localities of the latest Pliocene (or early Villafranchian) and of the early Quaternary of Europe. Article infos Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 5 (1971) |
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Muridae (Rodentia) du Pliocène supérieur d'Espagne et du midi de la France.Jacques MichauxKeywords: Anthracomys meini; Castillomys crusafonti; Pliocene; Rodents; Valerymys ellenbergeridoi: 10.18563/pv.3.1.1-25 Abstract The murid fauna of the terminal Pliocene of southwest Europe is rich in at least eight genera and ten species. With the species belonging to the genera Apodemus, Rhagapodemus, and Stephanomys not being studied here, the study of the other murids resulted for one thing in the description of three new genera and three new species: Castillomys crusafonti n. g., n. sp., Occitanomys brailloni n. g., n. sp., Anthracomys meini n. sp., Valerymys ellenbergerí (THALER) n. g., and for another thing in the recognition of a form hitherto unknown in this region, Micromys praeminutus KRETZOI. Systematic study has shown that certain species of the terminal Pliocene fauna had their ancestors in the Turolian fauna presently known in Spain. The evolutionary lineages thereby recognized have been studied more in detail and a list of the evolutionary tendencies of the dendal characters has been given. A chart of the probable phyletic relationships between the different murids of the Pliocene faunas of southwest Europe (With the genus Rhagapodemus and Apodemus dominans being excluded) is given in conclusion of this work. Article infos Published in Vol. 03, Fasc. 1 (1969) |
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Les Paramyidae (Rodentia) de l'Eocène inférieur du bassin de Paris.Jacques MichauxKeywords: Ailuraviinae; Eocene; Paramyinae; Rodentsdoi: 10.18563/pv.1.4.135-193 Abstract The exploitation of new early Eocene localities in the Paris Basin has resulted in the collecting of numerous mammalian remains, among which are about 300 isolated teeth representing the rodents. They belong, for the most part, to the paramyid group. Only the latest level of the early Eocene has yielded rodents belonging to the pseudosciurid group. The paramyids, the object of this study, are represented by at least 5 genera and 10 species; they are distributed among 4 clearly dilferentiated subfamilies : Paramyinae Simpson 1945, Pseudoparamyinae Michaux 1964, Ailuraviínae n. subf., Microparamyinae Wood1962. Article infos Published in Vol. 01, Fasc. 4 (1968) |