Print ISSN: 0031-0247
Online ISSN: 2274-0333
Frequency: biannual
Abstract book of the 18th Conference of the EAVP
Diversity changes in South American Cenozoic mammals
New Gargantuavis specimens from the Late Cretaceous of France
Giant birds Liornis and Callornis
Paleocene Palaeocarcharodon from Maryland
Eocene (56) , Quercy Phosphorites (37) , Systematics (31) , Rodents (29) , Mammalia (26)
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First Neogene Otonycteris (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Ukraine: its biostratigraphic and paleogeographic significance.Valentina V. RosinaKeywords: bats; East Europe; Gritsev; Late Miocene; Mammaliadoi: 10.18563/pv.39.1.e2 Abstract A new species, Otonycteris rummeli nov. sp., is described from the Late Miocene site Gritsev (MN 9) in the Ukraine. Otonycteris rummeli nov. sp. differs from those of most vespertilionids, except recent Otonycteris, Antrozous and Early Miocene Karstala silva, in having a well-developed entocingulid at the foot of the trigonid valley in the lower molars. The morphological resemblance of Otonycteris, Antrozous and Karstala is apparently a case of convergence in the evolution of the Old and New Worlds bat faunas. From at least the Middle Miocene the range of Otonycteris distribution spread to the whole of Central Europe and such a situation continued during the whole Late Miocene. This indicates a more arid climate in Europe during the Upper Miocene compared to the Quaternary. The reduction of the distribution range of Otonycteris and its extinction in most of the territory of Europe could have been caused by the global climatic cooling and increasing glacial cycle amplitude during the onset of the Quaternary. Article infos Published in Vol.39-1 (2015) |
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New datation of the Tafna Basin (Algeria): A combination between biochronological and magnetostratigraphical dataSalamet Mahboubi, Mouloud Benammi and Jean-Jacques JaegerKeywords: correlations; Late Miocene; North Africa; Rodentiadoi: 10.18563/pv.39.1.e1 Abstract The Tafna Basin corresponds to the lowlands, which are located in front of Tessala and Traras ranges, below the Tlemcen mountains, Algeria. This basin displays a complete sedimentary cycle dominated by lagoonal-fluvial and marine deposits. The continental formations located at the base of these deposits are mainly composed of alternating sandstones and clays. An early late Miocene age has been previously attributed to them, based on direct correlations with marine deposits. Search for micromammal fossils led to the discovery of three different rodent species from a single level of the Djebel Guetaf section, located at the bottom of these deposits. The rodent assemblage indicates a late Miocene age. Combined magnetostratigraphical and biostratigraphical investigations were carried out to provide a more accurate age control of these continental deposits. Sixty-four oriented rock samples were collected for a magnetostratigraphic study along a 92 meters thick section including the fossiliferous layer. Rock magnetic investigations indicate the presence of both high and low coercivity minerals. Specimens subjected to progressive thermal demagnetization procedures show that the samples exhibit a high temperature magnetization component and display a normal polarity. Based on biostratigraphic constraints, the Guetaf section is correlated with Chron C4An, indicating an age ranging from Article infos Published in Vol.39-1 (2015) |
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Rongeurs du Miocène supérieur de Chorora, Ethiopie: Murinae, Dendromurinae et conclusions.Denis GeraadsKeywords: Ethiopia; Late Miocene; Muridae; RodentiaAbstract The subfamilies Murinae and "Dendromurinae" both include 4 species at Chorora. Among the former, while Preacomys nov. gen. seems to be a forerunner of Acomys, the affinities of the remaining, poorly known taxa, are more difficult to evaluate. The bulk of the fauna, remarkably, consists of Dendromurines. Their similarities with those of Ngorora tends to pull the site back in time, but the large size and diversity of Murines fit better an age more recent than the very beginning of the Late Miocene. Article infos Published in Vol. 30, Fasc. 1-2 (2001) |
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The late Miocene percrocutas (Carnivora,Mammalia) of Madedonia, Greece.George D. KoufosKeywords: Biochronology; Carnivora; Comparisons; Dinocrocuta; Greece; Late Miocene; MammaliaAbstract Some new material of percrocutas from the late Miocene of Axios valley (Macedonia, Greece) is studied. They have been found in the locality of "Pentalophos 1" (PNT). The material has been described and compared with the known late Miocene percrocutas of Eurasia. This comparison indicates that it can be identified as Dinocrocuta gigantea (SCHLOSSER, 1903). A maxilla of a percrocuta, named ”Hyaena" salonicae, was found in the same area (Andrews, 1918). "Hyaena" salonicae is smaller than the PNT material. It is also compared with other material from Eurasia while its taxonomic and age problems are discussed. It belongs to Dinocrocuta and shows close relationships with D. robusta and D. senyureki; its age can be considered as late Vallesian-early Turolian. The age of the locality PNT is also discussed and a possible Vallesian age is proposed for it. Article infos Published in Vol. 24, Fasc. 1-2 (1995) |
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Le genre Mesembriacerus (Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) : un Oviboviné primitif du Vallésien (Miocène supérieur) de Macédoine (Grèce)Geneviève Bouvrain and Louis de BonisKeywords: Bovidae; Cladistics; Late Miocene; Ovibovinae; VallesianAbstract The bovid Mesembriacerus melentisi, the numerous skulls, teeth and limb bones of which are described from the locality Ravin de la Pluie (Macedonia, Greece), bears some features which allow us to put it in the tribe ovibovini (Ovibovinae) with several other Miocene genera and the Recent one Ovibos. A cladogram gives the phyletic relationships within this tribe. It shows that Mesembriacerus which is one of the oldest genera, is also the most primitive. The limb bones are as elongated as those of Recent cursorial bovids and they show, as does the bulk of the fauna, an open environment for the locality. Article infos Published in Vol. 14, Fasc. 4 (1984) |
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Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 1- Le gisementJean-Pierre Aguilar and Jean-Yves CrochetKeywords: Hérault; Late Miocene; Micromammals; MontredonAbstract La localité fossilifère du Puech de Montredon, désignée plus communément sous le nom de Montredon, est située sur la commune de Montouliers (Hérault) à quelques 300 mètres de la limite avec le département de l'Aude. Elle a été découverte en 1845 par Narbonne, Directeur des Mines de La Caunette, et de très nombreux restes de vertébrés continentaux y ont été extraits. La plus ancienne mention de ce gisement dans la littérature semble être celle de Lartet (1859) qui signale que "M. Jourdan, de Lyon, a constaté à Montredon, près de Bize (Aude), l'association des restes de Dinotherium avec l'Hipparion". Article infos Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982) |
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Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 2- Les rongeursJean-Pierre AguilarKeywords: Hérault; Late Miocene; Micromammals; Montredon; RodentsAbstract The recent excavation of the Upper Miocene locality of Montredon (Hérault) provides a rich material of Mammals. The present study deals with rodents. The new quarry is 10 meters above the classical Depéret's Quarry. No differences have been noticed between the rodent populations coming grom these two sites. The description of two new species : Hispanomys mediterraneus and Muscardinus heintzi is given and the dormouse Eliomys is recorded there for the first time. The new zonation of the Miocene given by Aguilar (1982) and the previously established correlations between marine and continental chronological scales give Tortonien age (estimated between 9 and 10 M.Y. old) to the site of Montredon, which belongs to the Mammal zone D 2. Article infos Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982) |
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Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 3- Les insectivoresJean-Yves Crochet and Morton GreenKeywords: Hérault; Insectivora; Late Miocene; Micromammals; MontredonAbstract This paper presents a preliminary list of insectivores from the Vallesian beds at Montredon (France). The associated rodent fauna has established a Vallesian age for the fauna. Eleven species belonging to the Soricidae, Talpidae, Erinaceidae, and Dimylidae are identified of which four only are referred with certainty to forms already named. Article infos Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982) |
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Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 4 - Les chiroptèresBernard SigéKeywords: Chiroptera; Hérault; Late Miocene; Micromammals; MontredonAbstract The Montredon local fauna yielded very rare bats, represented by damaged isolated teeth. Only a few documents are available for this period of the European Neogene. ln this poor state of knowledge, the material represents three undetermined species, a supposed molossid and two vespertilionids. Article infos Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982) |
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Premier signalement du Monachinae (Phocidae, Mammalia) dans le Sahélien (Miocène supérieur) d'Oran (Algérie)Christian de MuizonKeywords: Algeria; Late Miocene; PhocidaeAbstract Messiphoca mauretanica nov. gen., nov. sp. représente le premier Phocidae fossile recensé en Afrique du Nord. Provenant du gisement sahélien (Miocène supérieur) de Raz-el-Aïn (Algérie), il est connu par quelques os du membre antérieur (humérus, radius, ulna), quelques vertèbres dorsales et un crâne très fragmentaire. La description de cette forme nouvelle amène à considérer Messiphoca mauretanica comme un Monachinae archaïque proche de l'origine du groupe Pliophoca - Monachus. L'incidence de cette interprétation d'un Phocidae «pré-Messinien ›› sur la crise de salinité du Messinien est aussi envisagée. Article infos Published in Vol. 11, Fasc. 5 (1981) |
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Une nouvelle espèce d'Hipparion du Miocène terminal d'Espagne.Miquel Crusafont i Pairó and P. SondaarKeywords: Hipparion; Late Miocene; Spain; Villafranchiandoi: 10.18563/pv.4.2.59-66 Abstract The recently discovered, very rich, Pliocene locality of Layna (Soria, Spain), has already yielded 30 species of mammals. Hipparion fissurae, described here is more dolichopodic than other Hipparion. It is related to Hipparion crusafonti from Villaroya (Villafranchian), but more slender between other characters. Article infos Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 2 (1971) |