
April 1968
Vol. 01, Fasc. 3
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PalaeovertebrataVol. 01, Fasc. 3:65-133. 1968
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Les Chiroptères du Miocène inférieur de Bouzigues. 1- Etude systématique.
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: bats

doi: 10.18563/pv.1.3.65-133

Cite this article: Sigé B., 1968. Les Chiroptères du Miocène inférieur de Bouzigues. 1- Etude systématique. Palaeovertebrata 1 (3): 65-133. doi: 10.18563/pv.1.3.65-133

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In recent years, the techniques of chemical preparing have permitted a rich paleontologic material to be obtained from the phosporitic sediment of Bouzigues (Hérault, France). The fauna of this locality is comprised of quite varied microvertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Twenty five species of the latter, belonging to seven orders, are today known from the site. Among them, the numerous rodents have allowed L. Thaler to chronologically situate this fauna in the Zone of Laugnac (<< late Aquitanian ›> of some authors).
The chiropterans are, with the rodents, the best represented of the locality's mammals. Three families comprise the bat fauna, with nearly complete dominance by one of them (Hippoxideridae) over the two others (Megadermatidae and Vespertílionidae)
Six forms are described, of which three are new species and one a new sub-genus.
Megaderma braillomi n. sp., an animal of rather large size, shows like the Miocene megaderms several evolved dental characters, translating the adaptation of these animals to a partially carnivorous regime. The Bouzigues species seems, however, to represent a particular lineage.
Hipposideros (Brachipposideros n. subgen.) dechaseauxi n. sp. and Hípposideros (Brachipposideros) cf. collongenris Depéret, small sized forms, belong to a group rather well represented in the late Oligocene and early Miocene of Europe, and not distinguished until now within the genus Hipposideros.
Hipposideros (Pseudorhinolophus) bouziguensis n. sp., is the most abundant mammal in the locality and, occuring at the Oligocene-Miocene limit, the last representative known of the subgenus Pseudorhínolophus, common in Europe from the middle Eocene.
However, beyond Neogene and Quaternary times, certain among the numerous living species of Hipposideros are close to Pseudorhinolophus and others to Brachipposíderos. 'This fact would in the future justify a global revision of the genus, on the basis of comparative anatomy of the squeleton and of the teeth.
The bat fauna of Bouzigues is completed by two small Vespertilionidae, rare forms, Myoris sp. I and sp. II.

Published in Vol. 01, Fasc. 3 (1968)


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