Print ISSN: 0031-0247
Online ISSN: 2274-0333
Frequency: biannual
Abstract book of the 18th Conference of the EAVP
Diversity changes in South American Cenozoic mammals
New Gargantuavis specimens from the Late Cretaceous of France
Les traces de pas de Dinosaures et autres Archosaures du Lias inférieur des grands Causses, Sud de la France
Giant birds Liornis and Callornis
Eocene (56) , Quercy Phosphorites (37) , Systematics (31) , Rodents (29) , Mammalia (26)
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Premier signalement du Monachinae (Phocidae, Mammalia) dans le Sahélien (Miocène supérieur) d'Oran (Algérie)Christian de MuizonKeywords: Algeria; Late Miocene; PhocidaeAbstract Messiphoca mauretanica nov. gen., nov. sp. représente le premier Phocidae fossile recensé en Afrique du Nord. Provenant du gisement sahélien (Miocène supérieur) de Raz-el-Aïn (Algérie), il est connu par quelques os du membre antérieur (humérus, radius, ulna), quelques vertèbres dorsales et un crâne très fragmentaire. La description de cette forme nouvelle amène à considérer Messiphoca mauretanica comme un Monachinae archaïque proche de l'origine du groupe Pliophoca - Monachus. L'incidence de cette interprétation d'un Phocidae «pré-Messinien ›› sur la crise de salinité du Messinien est aussi envisagée. Article infos Published in Vol. 11, Fasc. 5 (1981) |
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Ostéologie de la tête de Richardus excavans Lavocat,1988René LavocatKeywords: Africa; anatomy; Bathyergidae; Miocene; RodentsAbstract Remarkable association of a small infraorbital foramen, similar to that in recent Heterocephalus, and of a strong muscular print on the dorsal anterior part of the zygomatic plate and on the premaxillary. Several anatomical structures to be compared with those of Heterocephalus suggest relationships with this genus. Richardus supports the ancestrality of the hystricomorph character in the bathyergids Article infos Published in Vol. 19, Fasc. 2 (1989) |
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The stratigraphic sequence of North American rodent faunasRobert W. WilsonKeywords: North America; Rodents; Stratigraphic sequenceAbstract Rodents first appear in the latest Paleocene or earliest Eocene as very fragmentary specimens (Family Paramyidae) known largely from a single locality. After this sparse beginning, rodents are usually abundant in the North American record if proper recovery methods are used. Utilization of rodents for biostratigraphic purposes depends on 1/ extinction, and 2/ replacement by evolution of endemic groups and/or incursions of Old World rodents, and rarely and late by South American kinds. These incursions are separated by relatively long periods of isolation in the Paleogene, but more episodic in the Neogene. At least 10 rodent zones can be characterized by major distinctions, and these zones can be amplified into as many as 16 with little trouble. In general, rodent genera permit as refined a zonation as do genera of large mammals. Distinction at a specific level has not been attempted herein except in the Blancan and Post-Blancan. Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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Angolabatis nom. nov.,a replacement name for the Cretaceous genus Angolaia Antunes & Cappetta, 2002 (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes), a preoccupied name.Miguel T. Antunes and Henri CappettaKeywords: Angola; Campanian/Maastrichtian; homonymy; Hypsobatidae; nomen novum; RajiformesAbstract In 2002, Antunes & Cappetta published several new taxa (genera and species) in a paper on Cretaceous elasmobranch faunas from Angola. One of the new genera was named Angolaia (Rajiformes, Hypsobatidae; type-species: Angolaia benguelaensis Antunes & Cappetta, 2002, Late Campanian/Early Maastrichtian of Angola). Recently, Dr. Christian Kammerer kindly informed us that the genus Angolaia was preoccupied by a cicadellid homoptere (Insecta), published by Linnavuori & Al-Ne'amy, 1983. So, according to mIes of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999, articles 52, 60) this name became unavailable. Consequently, the Rajiformes genus Angolaia is a junior homonym, invalid and must be rejected. In replacement, we propose the new name Angolabatis. Article infos Published in Vol. 34, Fasc. 1-2 (2006) |
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Evolution of the Rhizomyine zygomaLawrence J. Flynn, Mohammed Sarwar and Jean-Jacques JaegerKeywords: parallel evolution; Rhizomyidae; Rodentia; Siwalik; zygomaAbstract Cranial anatomy of a late Miocene rhizomyid, Brafhyrhizomys cf. B. pilgrimi, provides new evidence on the origin of the dorsal, round infraorbital foramen of living rhizomyines. Primitive rhizomyids retain a myomorphous keyhole foramen with a long ventral slit that retracts upward during the evolutionary history of the Rhizomyidae. The primitive condition of the elongated ventral slit is represented by Kanisamys sivalensis. Among later burrowers the foramen shows progressive dorsal migration, the ventral slit terminating midway up the snout in B.tertracharax and B. choristos ; well above the midline of the snout in Brachyrhizamys cf. B. pilgrimi. Apparently this transformation began earlier among Rhizomyinae than among Tachyoryctinae and continued to a more derived stage in rhizomyines. ln living Rhizomyx the ventral slit is absent and only a high round hole remains at the anterior end of the zygomatic arch. Article infos Published in Vol. 15, Fasc. 3 (1985) |
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Sur le remplissage des "poches à phosphorite" d'Aubrelong (commune de Bach, Lot)Bernard GèzeKeywords: Aubrelong; Quercy PhosphoritesAbstract Abstract not available Article infos Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974) |
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Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 4 - Les artiodactyles Suidae.Léonard GinsburgKeywords: Artiodactyla; France; Mammalia; Montredon; Upper MioceneAbstract There is only one suid known in the Upper Miocene of Montredon (Hérault): Microstonyx (Limnostonyx nov. subgen.) antiquus (KAUP). It is differenciated from Microstonyx major by the presence of upper and lower canines which are considerably longer and biger. Its presence at Montredon corroborates the palustrine habitat for the species. Article infos Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988) |
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Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 8 - Analyse paléoécologique de la faune mammalienneSerge LegendreKeywords: France; Mammalia; Montredon; Paleoecology; Upper MioceneAbstract The species diversity of the mammalian fauna from Montredon (Hérault, France, late Miocene) is examined in terms of richness and abundance. A cenogramic analysis of the fossil mammalian community suggests the prevalence of open habitats, with the presence of marshes and of a poorly developed galery forest, and a climate rather warm and dry. Article infos Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988) |
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Premières données sur les rongeurs de la formation de Ch'orora (Ethiopie) d'âge Miocène supérieur. I: ThryonomyidésJean-Jacques Jaeger, Jacques Michaux and Maurice SabatierKeywords: Ethiopia; Paraulacodus; Rodents; Upper MioceneAbstract The genus Paraulacodus has been collected in the Ch'orora formation of Upper Miocene age, in Ethiopia. The new species, P. johanesi n. sp.. is more evolved than the previously described indian species P. indicus HINTON of the Siwalik Hills area. The morphological gap between P. johanesi and the present Thryonomys is still important. Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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Analyse d'ouvrage: “J.J. THOMASON (Ed.): Functional morphology invertebrate paleontology (1995)”Jacques MichauxKeywords: Book review; Functional morphologyAbstract Functional morphology invertebrate paleontology, édité par Jeffrey J. THOMASON, 1995. Cambridge University Press, xi + 277 p. ISBN 0-521-44095-5, f. 45,00 ($ 69,95). Article infos Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 1 (1996) |
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Problems of classification as applied to the RodentiaAlbert E. WoodKeywords:Abstract A classification should be both usable and useful,not too complex either in the amount of splitting or in the number of hierarchies involved, and not so simple as to give a false assurance of knowledge of relationships. Classifications are only possible because we do not have complete knowledge of the evolution of the organisms concerned because gaps in the record are necessary to allow the separation of the various taxa. Rodent classification is complicated by the large number of organisms involved and by the geat amount of parallelism that has taken place in the evolution of any and all features. If several independent features are characteristic of a certain taxon, should an effort be made to define the group on the basis of all the features, or should only one be selected as the determinant ? Unless the evolution of the several features was closely linked, the former solution will sooner or later lead to insurmountable problems. Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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La poche à phosphate de Sainte-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertébrés du Ludien supérieur. 13-RongeursJean-Louis Hartenberger and Monique Vianey-LiaudKeywords: Eocene; Quercy PhosphoritesAbstract Sainte-Néboule has yielded only 4 species of Rodents. But the Theridomyids (Blainvillimys rotundidens and Patriotheridomys altus) are very significative of the age of the locality: Ste-Néboule is lower than the marker level of Escamps Article infos Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978) |
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Sur le statut taxonomique de Myotis KAUP 1829 (Mammalia, Chiroptera).Henri MenuKeywords: Myotis; taxonomyAbstract Suite à la récente publication d'une révision systématique des Chiroptera Vespertilioninae, conduite sur la base des morphologies dentaires comparées (Menu 1987), une remarque bienveillante du Dr. V. Aellen (Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève) a attiré l'attention de l'auteur sur un point précis du Code International de Nomenclature Zoologique. Article infos Published in Vol. 18, Fasc. 4 (1988) |
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Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 3- Les insectivoresJean-Yves Crochet and Morton GreenKeywords: Hérault; Insectivora; Late Miocene; Micromammals; MontredonAbstract This paper presents a preliminary list of insectivores from the Vallesian beds at Montredon (France). The associated rodent fauna has established a Vallesian age for the fauna. Eleven species belonging to the Soricidae, Talpidae, Erinaceidae, and Dimylidae are identified of which four only are referred with certainty to forms already named. Article infos Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982) |
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Essai de filiation des campagnols et des lemmings (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) en zone holartique d'après la morphologie dentaire.Jean ChalineKeywords: Arvicolidae; Dental morphology; Paleogeography; phyletic relationshipsAbstract The Arvicolid evolution results in an increase of the dental structure complexity. The M3/ differenciation seems to characterise the tribe subdivisions, that of M/1 being variable from one to another lineage. The phyletic relationships of fossil lineages are discussed from a paleogeographic point of view. Article infos Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980) |
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La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertebres du Ludien superieur. 14 - Conclusions généralesJean-Louis HartenbergerKeywords: Eocene; Quercy PhosphoritesAbstract Le matériel provenant de nouvelles fouilles dans les phosphorites du Quercy, soumis aux divers spécialistes, a conduit à la soutenance de plusieurs thèses d'état: sur les rongeurs (Hartenberger, Vianey-Liaud), les Chiroptères et Insectivores (Sigé), les Artiodactyles (Sudre), les Squamates (Rage) et, en partie, les Chéloniens (De Broin). Chacun dans son domaine, à côté des conclusions d'ordre évolutif, paléogéographique ou paléoécologique, a pu établir des successions stratigraphiques des gisements du Quercy qui se sont révélées largement concordantes. Ainsi la succession des faunes du Quercy est actuellement l'une des mieux établies. Dans ce contexte, les différents spécialistes ont décidé de conjuguer leurs efforts dans l'étude monographique de plusieurs gisements repérés le long de cette échelle, afin de rassembler l'information paléontologique sur des faunes bien précises et de tenter d'obtenir des indications d'ordre taphonomique. Article infos Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978) |
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A.J.Sutcliffe. On the track of Ice Age mammalsJacques MichauxKeywords: Book reviewAbstract On the Track of Ice Age Mammals justifie pleinement son titre car l'auteur, Anthony J. Sutcliffe, apporte au lecteur faits et interprétations qui l'amèneront à s'intéresser encore plus au passé récent et à l'avenir de son environnement et à la question de l'impact de l'homme sur la nature. Après les chapitres qui présentent les temps glaciaires et les divers témoignages qui nous en sont parvenus, les cinquième et sixième apportent les informations nécessaires à la compréhension des résultats que nous donnent les chercheurs: principes, moyens d'étude et limites des méthodes, difficultés de l'intégration des données dans un cadre stratigraphique, variabilité des signaux climatiques, variabilité de leur intensité selon l'endroit par rapport au centre de la glaciation, complications liées à la qualité inégale de l'enregistrement géologique, en mer et sur le continent. Article infos Published in Vol. 15, Fasc. 4 (1985) |
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Analyse d'ouvrage: “M. ARSENAULT, H. LELIÈVRE & P. JANVIER (Eds.): Etudes sur les vertébrés inférieurs — VII e Symposium International, Parc de Miguasha, Québec, 9- 22 Juin 1991 (1994)”Alain BlieckKeywords: Book reviewAbstract Etude sur les vertébrés inférieurs (VIIe Symposium International, Parc de Miguasha, Québec, 9-22 Juin 1991), édité par Marius ARSENAULT, Hervé LELlÈVRE & Philippe JANVIER, 1994. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 4e Série, T. 17, Section C, n° 1-4, 529 p. Article infos Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 1 (1996) |
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Book review : "Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology"Jean-Yves CrochetKeywords: Book review; PaleoherpetologyAbstract Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology. In 19 parts ; Initiated by Prof. Dr. Oskar KUHN ; Edited by Dr. Peter WELLNHOFER, München. - Part. 17 A : Pelycosauria, by Dr. Robert R. REISZ, Erindael Campus, University of Toronto. 1986. VIII, 102 pp., 43 fig., 20,5 x 25,5 cm, soft cover : DM 140, - (Pref. - Price for subscribers to the whole series : DM 126, -). ISBN 3-437-30486-0. Article infos Published in Vol. 17, Fasc. 2 (1987) |
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Une nouvelle espèce d'Hipparion du Miocène terminal d'Espagne.Miquel Crusafont i Pairó and P. SondaarKeywords: Hipparion; Late Miocene; Spain; Villafranchiandoi: 10.18563/pv.4.2.59-66 Abstract The recently discovered, very rich, Pliocene locality of Layna (Soria, Spain), has already yielded 30 species of mammals. Hipparion fissurae, described here is more dolichopodic than other Hipparion. It is related to Hipparion crusafonti from Villaroya (Villafranchian), but more slender between other characters. Article infos Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 2 (1971) |