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Stratigraphy and Oligocene-Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Aktau Moutains, Dzhungarian Alatau Range, Kazakhstan
Elena G. Kordikova and Alexander V. Mavrin
Keywords: Dzhungarian Alatau; Kazakhstan; Lithologic correlation; Mammalian biochronology; Miocene; Oligocene; Stratigraphy

    Stratigraphic studies in the Aktau Mountains bordering the Dzhungarian Alatau Range in southeastern Kazakhstan have included mapping of Tertiary lithostratigraphic units, documentation of fossiliferous deposits, correlation of sections, etc. These investigations have led in turn to revised interpretation of the Tertiary geology of the area. The Tertiary sequence in the Aktau Mountains is represented by three lithostratigraphic units (in ascending order): (1) the middle Eocene Akbulak Formation; (2) the Oligocene Aktau Formation with a lower member including white quartz sands that contain fossil mammals, and an upper member including red-colored clays and sandstones, brick red clays, an anhydrite and gypsum clayey horizon, and bright brown-red clays; and (3) the upper Oligocene-Miocene Chul'adyr Formation with a lower member of greenish and yellowish conglomerates and gritstones, a middle member including grayish and yellowish sands and gritstones, and an upper member including brown and red clays and carbonate- and anhydrite-rich clays. The Aktau and Chul”adyr Formations represent separate cycles of sedimentation. Mammalian biostratigraphy and biochronology of the three vertebrate faunas in Aktau Mountains are reviewed. The mammalian fauna from white sands of the lower Aktau Formation is small but includes Ardynia and is thought to be early Oligocene in age. The mammalian fauna from conglomerates and gritstones of the lower member of the Chul”adyr Formation is also small but includes Paraceratherium and is thought to be late Oligocene in age. The mammalian fauna from sands of the middle member of the Chul'adyr Formation is extensive, with micro- and macrofauna attributed to Neogene mammal zones MN4 to MN 6, indicating a latest early Miocene to earliest middle Miocene age (Orleanian-Astaracian). Most genera of middle Chul”adyr mammals are known from the middle Miocene Shanwang faunas of China and from the Castelnau-d”Arbieu faunal assemblage (MN4-MN6) of southwestern France. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 1- Le gisement
Jean-Pierre Aguilar and Jean-Yves Crochet
Keywords: Hérault; Late Miocene; Micromammals; Montredon

    La localité fossilifère du Puech de Montredon, désignée plus communément sous le nom de Montredon, est située sur la commune de Montouliers (Hérault) à quelques 300 mètres de la limite avec le département de l'Aude. Elle a été découverte en 1845 par Narbonne, Directeur des Mines de La Caunette, et de très nombreux restes de vertébrés continentaux y ont été extraits. La plus ancienne mention de ce gisement dans la littérature semble être celle de Lartet (1859) qui signale que "M. Jourdan, de Lyon, a constaté à Montredon, près de Bize (Aude), l'association des restes de Dinotherium avec l'Hipparion". 

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Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982)

Un nouveau genre de ?Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) décelé dans les phosphorites du Quercy (Eocène supérieur ou Oligocène) d'après un arrière crâne sans dents.
Jean-Albert Remy
Keywords: endocranial cast; Epitympanic sinus; Palaeotheriidae; Paleogene; Quercy phosphorites; skull anatomy

    A rear skull from the Quercy Phosphorites is described. It documents a new perissodactyl genus, likely assignable to the family Palaeotheriidae and probably paleogene of age. Owing to the lack of any tooth, this family assignment remains however somewhat hypothetical. The specimen is firstly characterised by the presence of a wide epitympanic sinus swelling and hollowing the squamosal shell and the post-glenoid process. This cavity might make up a peculiar pattern of improvement for the hearing apparatus by carrying out a kind of drum near the middle ear, whereas the bony tympanic remains barely bulged and forms but a few developed auditory bulla. This pattern appears an outcome of a trend observed with many palaeotheriids, such as Plagiolophus. Furthermore, the endocranial cast shows a rather high degree of gyrencephaly for a paleogene mammal. The prominent lambdoidal crest points out a powerful nape musculature and a lowered head bearing. Consequently, it is assumed that such an animal was probably living in somewhat open places, at the expense of rather tough vegetables. It might have been accordingly provided with a semi-hypsodont, cement covered, "plagiolophoid" dentition. 

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Published in Vol. 28, Fasc. 1 (1999)

 Les Affinités de Nyctereutes megamastoides (Pomel), canidé du gisement Villafranchien de Saint-Vallier (Drôme, France).
R. Martin
Keywords: Canidae; Nyctereutes; Villafranchian

doi: 10.18563/pv.4.2.39-58

    Nyctereutes megamastoides (Pomel) from the Villafranchian of the Auvergne and from Saint-Vallier presents cranial and dental characters sufficiently close to those of the late Pliocene canid from Perpignan (Roussillon), described by Depéret under the specific name of Canis donnezani belonging to the same genus Nyctereutes. The extinction of the European "Nyctereutes" group seems due to the too great alimentary specialization of this canid, whereas the Asiatic lineage represented in the Villafranchian by Nyctereutes sinensis Schlosser and at present by Nyctereutes procyonider Gray was able to maintain itself probably by means of a profound change in its alimentary regime. 

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Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 2 (1971)

Mammoths, mastodonts & elephants. biology, behavior and the fossil record

Gary HAYNES, 1992. Cambridge University Press, New York, xii + 413 p., ISBN 0-521-38435-4
Jean-Loup Welcomme
Keywords: Elephants; Mammoths; Mastodonts

    L'ouvrage est divisé en trois grandes parties traitant successivement: I. l'anatomie ("Proboscidean flesh and bones"), en abordant la taxonomie, l'allure générale et l'éco-éthologie des proboscidiens actuels et fossiles; II. les causes de mortalité collective naturelle et provoquée chez les actuels; III. les documents fossiles et l'extinction des formes anciennes d'Amérique du Nord. 

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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 2-3 (1993)

Révision des Artiodactyles de l'Eocène moyen de Lissieu (Rhône)
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Artiodactyles; Dichodon; France

    The object of this work is the study of the artiodactyls of the karstic locality of Lissieu near Lyon. Among the sixteen species counted, five (Hyperdichobune nobilis, Hyperdichobune sp., Haplabunodon mulleri, Tapirulus depereti and Pseudamphimeryx schlosseri) are cited for the first time in this fauna. The description of part of the anterior dentition of «Dichobune» langi permits the referal of this species to the genus Hyperdichobune. The new selenodont species Dichodon lugdunensis  described in this work belongs, with its ancestor Dichodon simplex, to a lineage distinct from that of Dichodan cartieri and Dichodon ruetimeyeri. Finally, the taxonomic reality of the Lissieu species, Lophiobunodon rhodanicum Deperet, is justified. All the other species have been compared with those of Egerkingen. Even though with most of them no difference in age can be shown between the two deposits, some however indicate clearly by their degree of evolution that Lissieu is slightly more recent than Egerkingen. ln the history of Eocene mammals, the Lissieu fauna, because of its homogeneity, can be considered as a sure reference fauna of the Auversian period. 

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Published in Vol. 05, Fasc. 4 (1972)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 6 - Les périssodactyles Rhinocerotidae
Claude Guérin
Keywords: Aceratherium; anatomy; Biostratigraphy; Dicerorhinus; Miocene; Montredon; Paleoecology; Upper Vallesian

    The Montredon site has yielded about hundred rhinoceros remains:
    - twenty two of them, including 14 carpal and tarsal bones and 6 complete metapodials, belong to
    Dicerorhinus schleiermacheri at its second evolutionary stage;
    - fifty one remains including a nearby complete but crushed skull, a mandible, 26 isolated cheek-teeth, 10 carpals and tarsals, one metacarpal, are of Aceratherium incisivum, second evolutionary
    - fifteen remains belong to Aceratherium (Alicornops) simorrense (among other an upper molar, 8 carpals and tarsals, one metatarsal);
    - six remains are attributed to an undetermined species of what is probably the most recent Prosantorhinus ever found.
    The evolution stages of the two first species allow us to date the deposit back to the Upper Vallesian, MN 10 zone; Montredon is one of the youngest sites in which Aceratherium simorrense was found. The four rhino species indicate a swampy forest biotope 

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)

Les mammifères post-glaciaires de Corse. Etude Archéozoologique.
Jacques Michaux
Keywords: Book review

    Les mammifères post-glaciaires de Corse. Etude Archéozoologique, par Jean-Denis Vigne, 1988. XXVle suppléments à "Gallia Préhistoire". Editions du C.N.R.S., Paris, 337 p. FRF 300. ISSN 0072-0100, ISBN 2-222-04130-9. 

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Published in Vol. 19, Fasc. 1 (1989)

Une faunule de vertébrés sous la base de grès de Celas (Eocène supérieur) à ST Dresery (Gard)
Jean-Albert Remy
Keywords: Artiodactyla; Biostratigraphy; Eocene; Mammals

    The St-Dézéry local fauna (3 reptile-, 4 mammal species) is approximately of the same age as the La Débruge or the Ste-Néboule faunas. It conduces to a better dating of the limestones underlying the Célas sandstones. A large part of a mandible of Amphimeryx was found there, which documents the record of this family of small artiodactyls 

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Published in Vol. 23, Fasc. 1-4 (1994)

An unusual cranial fossil of the giant lower Pliocene shrew (Paranourosorex gigas Rzebik-Kowalska, 1975) from Podlesice, Poland
David L. Harrison and Barbara Rzebik-Kowalska
Keywords: Mammalia; Paranousorex gigas; Pliocene; Poland; Ruscinian; Soricidae

    A well-preserved anterior cranium of Paranourosorex gigas RZEBIK-KOWALSKA, 1975 from Podlesice, Poland, provides additional knowledge of this rare shrew, including almost complete maxillary dentition. The systematic status of this species as a relative of recent Anourosorex MILNE-
    EDWARDS, 1870 is confirmed 

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Published in Vol. 21, Fasc. 1-2 (1991)

Rongeurs (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Miocène de Beni-Mellal
Jean-Jacques Jaeger
Keywords: Morocco; Neogene

    The rodent fauna of Beni-Mellal is characterized by the abundance of ctenodactylids and cricetids. The latter are represented by four distinct species, among which a new form. Dakkamys zaiani nov. gen., nov. sp. is described. A detailed morphological analysis shows that, contrary to that which had been established before, « Cricetodon ›› atlasi Lavocat, 1961, is not closely related to any European form known; this species is attributed, in consequence, to the new genus Mellalomys. A simple biometric analysis has shown that the genus Myocricetodon Lavocat, 1952, is represented in this locality by two distinct species. The systematic homogeneity of the Beni-Mellal cricetids is also demonstrated: they can, as a matter of fact, all be referred to the subfamily Myocricetodontinae. The definition of this subfamily is completed. The sciurids and glirids are also reviewed in the light of new systematic and biogeographic information established ln Europe. A new species of Atlantoxevus from the early Pleistocene of Morocco, A. huvelini nov. sp., is described. It is probably the descendant of A. tadlae from Beni-Mellal. Biogeographic analysis leads one to consider this fauna as the result of geographic isolation in the Maghreb since the late Oligocene or the early Miocene. In particular no direct European influence can be discerned. Stratigraphic considerations resulting from the discovery of new localities in North Africa lead to the confirmation of the ante-Vallesian age of this fauna and to its parallelism with the faunas of La Grive in Western Europe and Fort Ternan in East Africa. The peculiar geologic nature of this locality is discussed.

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Published in Vol. 07, Fasc. 4 (1977)

La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertebres du Ludien supérieur. 11- Créodontes
Brigitte Lange-Badré
Keywords: Creodonta; Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    The teeth and the astragale of the Creodonta from Ste-Néboule (Lot) are referred to Hyaenodon brachyrhynchus. Isolated teeth fit morphologically the material from La Débruge (Middle Ludian). However, biometric analysis suggests an Upper Ludian age. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

Essai de reconstitution d'un paysage du Quercy vers -35 Ma. (Esquisse de Christian Pondeville, 1977).
Monique Vianey-Liaud and Christian Pondeville
Keywords: Landscape reconstruction; Quercy phosphorites

    Le Quercy est aujourd'hui un vaste plateau calcaire, parcouru par un réseau karstique actif, pro· fondément entaillé par des vallées aux falaises abruptes, comme celles du Lot ou du Célé. Sur un sol peu épais domine la forêt de chênes, accompagnés de cornouillers, érables, genévriers. La faune est pauvre, peu diverse, et les nombreux chasseurs se satisfont de gibier d'élevage ...
    Il y a trente-cinq millions d'années environ, le paysage était bien différent. La période de l'Eocène supérieur, qui s'achevait, avait été chaude et humide, si l'on se réfère à la fois aux paléotempératures (calculées à partir de sédiments marins extra-européens) et aux restes fossilisés de végétaux typiquement tropicaux.
    Le Causse du Quercy devait être un plateau très disséqué par la karstification, à surface lapiazée creusée de gouffres en rapide évolution interne, et couvert d'un sol assez épais. Une forêt tropicale humide, avec notamment des Myricacées et des gymnospermes, recouvrait l'ensemble du pays, à peine interrompue au niveau des rares points d'eaux situés dans les bas-fonds. Dans ce cadre vivait une faune considérablement différente de la maigre faune actuelle. Si nous pouvons l'imaginer, c'est grâce aux cadavres des animaux entraînés dans les cavités par les eaux courantes ou les prédateurs, ou bien logeant et mourant dans les milieux souterrains. Nombre de ces restes, fossilisés, sont parvenus jusqu'à nous et sont aujourd'hui l'objet d'étude. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

The eosimiid and amphipithecid primates (Anthropoidea) from the Oligocene of the Bugti hills (Balochistan, Pakistan): new insight into early higher primate evolution in South Asia.
Laurent Marivaux
Keywords: Amphipithecidae; anthropoid phylogney; Bugti Hills; Early Oligocene; Eosimiidae; Pakistan

    Eosimiid and amphipithecid primates document a long and significant history of primate evolution throughout the Eocene in Southeast Asia. Despite the absence of a comprehensive post-Eocene fossil record, it was generally hypothesized that both families left no descendant in Asia. Recently, two new small-bodied taxa, Bugtipithecus and Phileosimias, have been recovered in early Oligocene coastal deposits from the Bugti Hills (Balochistan, central Pakistan) and referred to the families Amphipithecidae and Eosimiidae, respectively, on the basis of dental fossil remains. In this paper, we provide more exhaustive description, comparison, and discussion of these taxa. As for tarsiid and sivaladapid primates, the persistence of eosimiids and amphipithecids into the Oligocene clearly demonstrates that low latitudes of South Asia provided a continuous access to tropical refugia during the climatic deterioration characterizing the late Eocene-early Oligocene interval, which was seemingly lethal for primate communities elsewhere across the Holarctic continents. As a contribution to the ongoing phylogenetic debates regarding the position of eosimiids and amphipithecids on the primate family tree, we have performed a cladistic analysis in a high-level primate systematic context in order to assess the position and the role of these new taxa in that phylogenetic issue. Our results support the view according to which eosimiids and amphipithecids (and by extension Phileosimias and Bugtipithecus, respectively) are stem anthropoids. These fossils from Pakistan document an unsuspected Oligocene phase of the evolutionary history of anthropoid primates in southern Asia, which clearly enhances the extent of the anthropoid radiation in this province during the Paleogene. Several phylogenetic and paleobiogeographic aspects are discussed, notably the intra- and inter-relationships between Paleogene Asian and Afro-Arabian anthropoids, and the resulting potential dispersal models between both land-masses during the Paleogene. 

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Published in Vol. 34, Fasc. 1-2 (2006)

A.J.Sutcliffe. On the track of Ice Age mammals
Jacques Michaux
Keywords: Book review

    On the Track of Ice Age Mammals justifie pleinement son titre car l'auteur, Anthony J. Sutcliffe, apporte au lecteur faits et interprétations qui l'amèneront à s'intéresser encore plus au passé récent et à l'avenir de son environnement et à la question de l'impact de l'homme sur la nature. Après les chapitres qui présentent les temps glaciaires et les divers témoignages qui nous en sont parvenus, les cinquième et sixième apportent les informations nécessaires à la compréhension des résultats que nous donnent les chercheurs: principes, moyens d'étude et limites des méthodes, difficultés de l'intégration des données dans un cadre stratigraphique, variabilité des signaux climatiques, variabilité de leur intensité selon l'endroit par rapport au centre de la glaciation, complications liées à la qualité inégale de l'enregistrement géologique, en mer et sur le continent. 

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Published in Vol. 15, Fasc. 4 (1985)

Premier signalement du Monachinae (Phocidae, Mammalia) dans le Sahélien (Miocène supérieur) d'Oran (Algérie)
Christian de Muizon
Keywords: Algeria; Late Miocene; Phocidae

    Messiphoca mauretanica nov. gen., nov. sp. représente le premier Phocidae fossile recensé en Afrique du Nord. Provenant du gisement sahélien (Miocène supérieur) de Raz-el-Aïn (Algérie), il est connu par quelques os du membre antérieur (humérus, radius, ulna), quelques vertèbres dorsales et un crâne très fragmentaire. La description de cette forme nouvelle amène à considérer Messiphoca mauretanica comme un Monachinae archaïque proche de l'origine du groupe Pliophoca - Monachus. L'incidence de cette interprétation d'un Phocidae «pré-Messinien ›› sur la crise de salinité du Messinien est aussi envisagée. 

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Published in Vol. 11, Fasc. 5 (1981)

Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 3- Les insectivores
Jean-Yves Crochet and Morton Green
Keywords: Hérault; Insectivora; Late Miocene; Micromammals; Montredon

    This paper presents a preliminary list of insectivores from the Vallesian beds at Montredon (France). The associated rodent fauna has established a Vallesian age for the fauna. Eleven species belonging to the Soricidae, Talpidae, Erinaceidae, and Dimylidae are identified of which four only are referred with certainty to forms already named. 

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Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982)

First evidence of an early Miocene marine teleostean fish fauna (otoliths) from la Paillade.(Montpellier,France)
Bettina Reichenbacher and Henri Cappetta
Keywords: Aquitanian; Biostratigraphy; La Paillade; marine deposits; Miocene; otoliths; Palaeoecology; Palaeogeography; Southern France; Teleostei

    A fossil fish fauna, based on 5533 otoliths, from the La Paillade locality at Montpellier is described and figured. The otolith-bearing marls correlate to mammal zone MN l (Aguilar, 1982), and thus represent the earliest Miocene. The fish fauna consists of 30 taxa belonging to 20 families. Two species are new: Dussumieria sittigi and Liza gaudanti. The predominant faunal element is the Lesueurigobius vicínalis-species complex, composing 73% of all investigated otoliths. The palaeoecological analysis reveals a marine to euryhaline fish fauna living under tropical to subtropical conditions in the transition zone littoral - sublittoral. Water depth probably was more than 10 m. The scarcity of pelagic físhes suggests that the habitat was either a sheltered bay and/or far away from the open sea. Furthermore, some genera represented in the La Paillade fish fauna presently live exclusively in the Indopacific realm. Their presence strongly supports a broad connection between the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, and the Paratethys Seas during the Early Miocene (Aquitanian). From a palaeobiogeographical point of view, faunal relationships were found between the La Paillade fish fauna and both the Paratethys fish fauna and the fish fauna from the deposits in the Upper Rhinegraben and the Mayence and Hanau Basins (Germany).


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Published in Vol. 28, Fasc. 1 (1999)

Sur la présence de dents de mammifères (Creodonta, Perissodactyla) près de la limite Paléocène-Eocène à Hoegaarden, Belgique
Richard Smith and Jerry J. Hooker
Keywords: Belgium; Creodonta; Landenian; Mammals; Perissodactyla

    Amongst a collection of selachian teeth made at Hoegaarden in a marine level of Bruxellian (Lutetian) age, containing a reworked Landenian (Sparnacian) fauna mixed with a contemporaneous one, a few teeth of  terrestrial mammals have been discovered. They comprise two rare European taxa: ? Hallensia sp. and Palaeonictis gigantea, both known from the Landenian. Even though the ?Hallensia has not been definitely identified, il differs from the only perissodactyl of this age previously recorded from Belgium (Cymbalophus cuniculus). 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Pantolestidae nouveaux (Mammalia, Insectivora) de l'Eocène moyen de Bouxwiller (Alsace).
Jean-Jacques Jaeger
Keywords: Bouxwiller; Insectivora; Mammalia; Middle Eocene; Pantolestidae

doi: 10.18563/pv.3.3.63-82

    The Pantolestidae from the middle eocene of Bouxwiller are the subject of a detailed study. Buxolestes hammeli (n. g., n. sp.) is not closely related to any other European or North American form described until now; it presents, however, some characters in common with Pantolestes, a form of the same age from North America. A parallel evolution from a common ancestral form could explain this ressemblance.
    Another form (gen. and sp. indet.) accompanies Buxolertes hammeli in the Bouxwiller fauna.

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Published in Vol. 03, Fasc. 3 (1970)