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On the genus Dikkomys (Geomyoidea, Mammalia)
Morton Green and Philip R. Bjork
Keywords: Dikkomys; Geomyoidae; North America

    The geomyoid genus Dikkomys is well represented in a sample from the Black Bear Quarry Il local fauna of Early Hemingfordian age in Bennett County, South Dakota. Isolated unworn P/4's of Dikkomys matthewi WOOD have a prominent median cristid (sagicristid) with a connection to the metaconid and the hypolophid. With wear, P/4 does not become as molariform as P/4 because of this cristid.
    A large sample of the Whitneyan beteromyid Proheteromys nebraskensis WOOD contains variants of the P/4 with on incipient sagicristid in approximately 18 percent of the population. The upper dentition and lower molars of Proheteromys nebraskensis are sufficiently generalized to indicate probable ancestry to Dikkomys

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Additions to the elasmobranch fauna from the upper Cretaceous of New Jersey (middle Maastrichtian, Navesink Formation)
Gerard R. Case and Henri Cappetta
Keywords: Elasmobranchs; New Jersey; new species; Upper Cretaceous; USA

    A recently discovered, almost complete specimen of a hybodont tooth, allows us to describe as a new species, fairly common, but usually fragmentary teeth in the Navesink Formation of New Jersey: Hybodus novojerseyensis nov. sp.
    Three additional taxa are also described : Heterodontus creamridgensis, Squalicorax sp. and Pseudocorax affinis which is noted for the first time in North America.
    The whole elasmobranch fauna of the Early Maastrichtian localities of New Jersey is reevaluated and several generic assignments are changed in comparison to the list previously published in 1975 (Cappetta
    & Case). 

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Published in Vol. 33, Fasc. 1-4 (2004)

Agriotherium intermedium (Stach 1957) from a Pliocene fissure filling of Xiaoxian County (Anhuei Province, China) and the phylogenetic position of the genus.
Zhanxiang Qiu and Norbert Schmidt-Kittler
Keywords: Carnivora; China; PHYLOGENY; Pliocene; skull anatomy; Ursidae

    A fragmentary mandible and maxilla of a small sized Agriotherium of a young individual discovered from a Pliocene fissure filling in Xiaoxian county (Anhuei Province, China) are described. Judging from the morphology of the dentition and its dimensions the new material can be identified as Agriotherium inlermedium (STACH l957). Hendey's proposition (1980) that the Agriotherium species are derived from Indarctos is reconsídered on the basis of the new documents. As a result of a more general phylogenetic discussion it can be stated, that: 1. the supposed size increase as well as other trends, leading from Indarctos to Agriotherium are untenable ; 2. there are no positive indications to assume a phylogenetic transition of these two genera. 3. there are no real arguments in favor of an adaptational reversal in the evolution of Agriotherium. Hence, many features of that genus supposed by Hendey to be derived are plesiomorphic ; 4. regardless of the previous points it is methodologícally impossible to establish direct ancestor - descendant relationships between Indarctos and Agriotherium species, as Hendey did. Based on the data available and especially on the characters of the new material from China it is more likely that Agriotherium and Indarctos are two genera which developed independently. While advanced Agriotherium species, e.g. A. africanum, resemble in some respects Indarctos by adaptational analogies, more primitive species, e.g. Agriotherium intermedium, are quite dissimilar to lndarctos. While Indarctos might be derived from an Ursavus like forerunner, Agriotherium has its roots more likely somewhere in between Ursavus and the Hemicyon-group. 

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Published in Vol. 13, Fasc. 3 (1983)

Rongeurs Miocènes dans le Valles-Penedes 2 : Les rongeurs de Castell de Barbera
Jean-Pierre Aguilar, Jordi Agusti and J. Gibert
Keywords: Castell de Barbera; Miocene; Rodents; Valles-Penedes

    The rodent-fauna (Cricetidae and Gliridae) recently found at Castell de Barbera (Spain) is similar to those from the other locslities of the Valles - Penedes - Can Ponsic 1 and Can Llobateres - : same composition and similar evolutionary level of the different species. On the other hand this fauna is different from those of Upper Vindobonian and Vallesian localities of the Calatayud - Teruel area. Castell de Barbera has an intermediate chronological position between the localities of Anwil (Switzerland) and Can Ponsic 1. It is still not possible to validate or invalidate the initial attribution based on absence of Hipparion of Castell de Barbera to the Upper Vindobonian. 

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Published in Vol. 09, Fasc. 1 (1979)

Contribution à la classification des Pistes de Vertébrés du Trias : les types du Stormberg d'Afrique du Sud (2 ème Partie: le Stormberg supérieur - 1. Le biome de la zone B/1 ou niveau de Moyeni: ses biocénoses).
Paul Ellenberger
Keywords: biocenosis; Footprints; South Africa; Stormberg; Trias

    Les Pistes de Vertébrés du Stormberg Supérieur ("Trias terminal à Rhétien"), ou Quthingien

    Si les zones du Stormberg inférieur se sont révélées contenir de nombreuses traces, surtout dans les faciès dits "Molteno moyen et supérieur", représentant apparemment la base du Keuper, il est frappant de voir pratiquement l'ensemble de cette grosse faune "Molteno" disparaître avec la fin de cette période, que nous avons appelée le "Maphutsengien".

    Dès les premières zones du Stormberg supérieur, que nous nommons le"Quthingien" la zoocénose et la phytocénose, en même temps que les données d'ensemble manifestées par l'environnement, sont modifiées. Nous ne verrons plus guère de dépôts marécageux à flore riche et variée, parfois même luxuriante. Les fougères elles-mêmes ont disparu. Elles sont remplacées par de maigres plantes, aux feuilles très souvent filiformes qui paraissent témoigner d'un climat continental. Le sol est devenu de plus en plus rouge, avec des variations latérales beaucoup plus accusées. Les fleuves amenant des galets des monts du "Grand Sud" ont tari. La faune va en subir les conséquences. Certaines des espèces se révèleront sautillantes ou coureuses, pour un grand nombre plus légères et pour la quasi-totalité d'apparence carnivore ou entomophages, les phytophages devant se contenter d'un régime ingrat,difficile ou à tout le moins irrégulier,les dépôts le montrent.

    C'est dans ces conditions que s'inaugure notre Etage nouveau,quelque peu discordant sur les zones A/5, A/6 ou A/7 du Stormberg inférieur (Maphutsengien). Le Stormberg supérieur (ou Quthingien) commence avec le paléopaysage remarquable dit de Moyeni, que nous allons maintenant étudier, typologiquement, avec ses homologues du même âge. Quelques 38 types d'animaux tous nouveaux vont défiler à nos yeux lors de la zone de base de cet Etage, ou zone B/1.

    L'on nous avait proposé d'intituler ce Ile Tome de la série : "La grande Dalle de Moyeni et ses homologues. Paléo-spectacles, scènes et paysages animaux au Lesotho à l'approche du Trias finissant". Nous avons préféré garder le sous-titre plus haut, peut-être plus prosaïque.

    Un llle Tome est en préparation : "Les développements ultérieurs et terminaux de la faune du Gondwana".


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Published in Vol. 6, Ext (1974)

Les Otolithes de téléostéens du Miocène de Montpeyroux (Herault),France).
Dirk Nolf and Henri Cappetta
Keywords: Miocene; Montpeyroux; Otolithes; teleostean fish

    Sieving and washing of about 700 kg of sediment from the miocene site at Montpeyroux produced otoliths of 34 teleost species, of which four still occur in the present day fauna or are near to extant species. Among the fossil species, eight are new : Ilisha lerichei, «genus Clupeidarum ›› orbiculatus, Dipulus mediterraneus, Morone cornuta, Chanda nelsoni, Pomadasys steurbauti, «genus Sciaenidarum ›› barthassadensis and Paraplagusia roseni. The fauna found is typical for a tropical or subtropical very littoral, probably even estuarine environment; it was living in a period near the boundary between Lower and Middle Miocene, perhaps somewhat earlier. 

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Published in Vol. 10, Fasc. 1 (1980)

Présence de Palaeobatrachidae (Anura) dans des gisements tertiaires Français caractérisation, distribution et affinités de la famille
Colette Vergnaud-Grazzini and Robert Hoffstetter
Keywords: Anura; Palaeogeography; Systematics

    The Palaeobatrachidae until now have not been reported from France. The present note makes known the discovery of very significant remains in three Tertiary localities of France: Cernay (late Paleocene), Laugnac (late Aquitanian) and Sansan (middle Helvetian). The osteologic characters, as well as the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the family are re-stated with added details. The Palaeobatrachidae are a European family known from the late Jurassic of Catalonia (publication in course by J. Seiffert) to the Plio-Pleistocene (pre-Mindel) of Poland and Rumania. By their way of life and certain osteologic characters they are similar to the Pipidae, but they are distinguished by profound differences. It would be rash to include them in the Pipoidea or even in the Aglossa. They are apparently an independant group, essentially holarctic, which held in Europe a role equivalent to that played by the Pipidae south of Tethys. 

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Published in Vol. 05, Fasc. 4 (1972)

Second international symposium on Dinosaur, Eggs and Babies (Montpellier-Aix-en-Provence, 25-29 Août 2003).
Monique Vianey-Liaud
Keywords: amniotic eggshells; dinosaurs

    Le premier Symposium International sur les ceufs de dinosaures et leurs petits a connu un francs succès, à Isona, en Catalogne (Espagne) en 1999. I1 faisait suite à la publication en 1994 d'un premier ouvrage "Dinosaurs eggs and babies" édité par K. Carpenter, K. Hirsch et J. Homer. Entre 1994 et 1999, les nouvelles découvertes ont augmenté significativement, notamment celles d'ceufs embryonnés, et le nombre de chercheurs impliqués dans ce domaine a accompagné cet accroissement. Jusque là, l'étude de ces objets, les coquilles d'ceufs, est restée longtemps marginale, faute d'une méthodologie scientifique appropriée. 

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Published in Vol. 32, Fasc. 2-4 (2003)


Otolithes de poissons du Pliocène inférieur de Papiol, près de Barcelone.
Dirk Nolf, Ramon Mané and Agusti Lopez
Keywords: Catalonia; otoliths; Pliocene; Spain; teleosts

    The Zanclian marls from Papiol provided otoliths belonging to 53 teleost taxa; nine of those are new for the Mediterranean Pliocene. The association reflects a bathymetry between 150 and 350 m, but it is likely that such depths only existed at the initial stage of flooding of the Llobregat bay. A compilation of the available data for the whole Mediterranean realm at Zanclian time provided a list of 163 taxa, of which 105 could be identified at species level. This last group provides the most useful data for evaluating the composition and affinities of the Mediterranean Zanclian fauna, which appears to be significantly different from the Recent Mediterranean fauna. The Zanclian fauna counts 68 % of Recent species: 12,5 % were already represented in the Mediterranean Miocene, 37 % appeared there at the Zanclian, and 18 % are extra-Mediterranean today. This last group is essentially composed by oceanic fishes, living in the warm parts of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. It is evident that a non neglectable number of Recent species only penetrated very recently in the Mediterranean, which stresses the differences between the more oceanic Zanclian Mediterranean fauna and the present one.


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Published in Vol. 27, Fasc. 1-2 (1998)

Ein neuer condylarthre und ein tillodontier (Mammalia) aus dem Mitteleozän des Geiseltales.
Jens L. Franzen and Hartmut Haubold
Keywords: Condylarthra; Eocene; Europe; Mammalia; taxonomy; Tillodontia

    In the course of a revision of the Equoidea numerous dentitions as well as a partial skeleton of a Phenaeodont were discovered from the Middle Eocene lignite beds of the Geiseltal locality. These fossils are recognized as a new genus and species of Phenacodontidae : HaIlensia matthesi n.g. n.sp.. The species is present in the « untere und obere Unterkohle ›› (uUK, oUK = the lower and upper part of the Lower Coal Seam) as well as in the « obere Mittelkohle ›› (oMK = the upper part of the Middle Coal Seam). Two fragmentary upper jaws described and figured by Matthes (1977) as Propachynolophus gaudryi are also belonging to Hallensia matthesi. Thus the decisive argument for classifying the " Unterkohle " of the Geiseltal section as Lower Eocene has to be dropped. Another relict form of the Geiseltal is Esthonyx tardus n. sp. documented by a fragmentary mandible coming from the « untere Unterkohle ››. This is the latest Tillodont from Europe. Contrasting to E. munieri from the european Lower Eocene the dentition of E. tardus is morphologically more progressive. 

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Published in Vol. 16, Fasc. 1 (1986)

La variabilité morphologique dentaire du Landenodon (Condylarthra) de Dormaal, (Eocène,Belgique)
Marc Godinot
Keywords: Condylarths; Dormaal; Early Eocene; Landenodon

    The study of dental variations in Landenodon from Dormaal (early Eocene, Belgium) shows that only one
    species is present in this locality : L. woutersi QUINET, 1968 (Condylarthra, Arctocyonidae, Arctocyoninae). A high morphological variability is described, especially concerning the metaconid of P/4, the paraconid of M/2, and some characters of M1/ which have been found to be independant of each other. This variability is discussed. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Le genre Microstonyx en Espagne et ses relations avec les autres espèces du même genre hors d'Espagne
Juana M. Golpe-Posse
Keywords: Microstonyx; Spain; Suidae

    The genus Microstonyx was found only in the north eastern part of Spain : M. antiquus, referable to the
    Eppelsheim type, from the pyrenean basins ; M. antiquus, more progresive, from the Vallès Basin : M. major-erymanthius group, from the Teruel-Ademuz Area and from Pieru (Penedès Basin).


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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Les Dipodidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) d'Europe occidentale au Paléogène et au Néogène inférieur: origine et évolution.
Marguerite Hugueney and Monique Vianey-Liaud
Keywords: Dipodidae; Late Oligocene; Quercy phosphorites

    The study of three new populations of Plesiosminthuspromyarion from the "phosphorites du Quercy" and of material from "Auvergne" brings new data on european oligocene Dipodidae. They appear in Western Europe at the beginning of late Oligocene. Evolutionary trends of the group are drawn and particularly the emergence of morphotypes announcing P. schaubi, from the Coderet level, is revealed among the most recent populations of P. promyarion. Differences are attempted to be drawn between the three species : P. promyarion, P. myarion and P. schaubi by restudying the type-population of P. myarion from the aquitanian deposits of Chavroches (Allier) in comparison with two other populations from the same age and the same region. Relationships between early european, american and asiatic Dipodidae are discussed. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Angolabatis nom. nov.,a replacement name for the Cretaceous genus Angolaia Antunes & Cappetta, 2002 (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes), a preoccupied name.
Miguel T. Antunes and Henri Cappetta
Keywords: Angola; Campanian/Maastrichtian; homonymy; Hypsobatidae; nomen novum; Rajiformes

    In 2002, Antunes & Cappetta published several new taxa (genera and species) in a paper on Cretaceous elasmobranch faunas from Angola. One of the new genera was named Angolaia (Rajiformes, Hypsobatidae; type-species: Angolaia benguelaensis Antunes & Cappetta, 2002, Late Campanian/Early Maastrichtian of Angola). Recently, Dr. Christian Kammerer kindly informed us that the genus Angolaia was preoccupied by a cicadellid homoptere (Insecta), published by Linnavuori & Al-Ne'amy, 1983. So, according to mIes of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999, articles 52, 60) this name became unavailable. Consequently, the Rajiformes genus Angolaia is a junior homonym, invalid and must be rejected. In replacement, we propose the new name Angolabatis

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Published in Vol. 34, Fasc. 1-2 (2006)

Les Palaeotheridae (Perissodactyla) de la faune de Mammifères de Fons 1 (Eocène supérieur).
Jean-Albert Remy
Keywords: Anchilophus; Eocene; Pachynolophus; Palaeotheriidae; Perissodactyla

doi: 10.18563/pv.1.1.1-46

    The locality of Fons 1, one of the fossiliferous outcrops in the late Eocene limestones of Fons-outre-Gardon (Gard), has yielded varied remains of mammals. The specimens were prepared by dilute acetic acid attack on the rock and by impregnation with an acrylic resin.
    This fauna, rich with about 20 species, can be included in the biochronologic zone of Euzet. The Palaeotheridae (sensu Simpson 1945), represented by 6 species, occupy a predominant place; Plagiolophus annectens is particularly abundant, comprising 55% of all the specimens found.
    The abundance of this species has permitted a detailed comparative study with the corresponding form from Euzet. The quantitative tests brought out a slight but highly sígnificant difference between the average dimensions of the teeth in the two populations. Moreover and in spite of the feeble rate of evolution in the Plagialophus dentition, diverse archaic particularities can be seen which permit the conclusion that the form from Fons 1 is a little the older. This conclusion is corroborated by observations on the other palaeotherids, particularly Lophiotherium aff. cervulum, whose dental evolutionary stage is intermediate between those of the corresponding forms known from Robiac and Euzet.
    A new species of Pachynolophus is described, P. garimondi n.sp., the last representative known of the genus. lts teeth are distinguished by their size, a great heterodonty, and the weakness
    of their cingula. 

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Published in Vol. 01, Fasc. 1 (1967)

Les gisements de Robiac (Eocène supérieur) et leurs faunes de Mammifères.
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Fauna; Late Eocene; Mammalia; Robiac

doi: 10.18563/pv.2.3.95-156

    Designated the type-locality of a late Eocene paleomammal zone, Robiac has recently been the object of important excavations. The first results of the new collecting, as  well as a revision of the material in old collections, are given in this work.
    Two stratigraphic section, cutting through the two sites presently distinguished (Robiac-Nord and Robiac-Sud) reveal the lithologic variation at the base of the Fons Limestone and the localization of three fossiliferous beds at Robiac-Sud.
    The molluscan fauna and the flora (charophytes), which have already been described, as well as that of the lower vertebrates, have been listed.
    A list of 46 mammalian species (only 16 species were known previous to 1964) has been established. The micro-mammals, nearly all new in this fauna (marsupials, insectivores, bats, rodents, primates, and some smallsized artiodactyls), Were obtained only after screen-washing of the matrix; about 4 tons of sediment were thus treated.
    The artiodactyls have been the most extensively analyzed; 6 genera, of which one is new, have been recognized. The latter is described as Robiacina minum n.g., n.sp., and represents a very small artiodactyl of the family Anoplotheriidae. The taxonomie status of certain species formerly described has been clarified by the designation of lectotypes (Cebochoerus robiucensis, Catodonerium robiacense, Xiphodon castrense).
    The paleontologic corrélations at present possible between the late Eocene faunas have allowed the relative positions of te different French localities of this age to be established; the Guépelle locality, it seems, could define in the future a new paleomammal zone.

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Published in Vol. 02, Fasc. 3 (1969)

Le genre Mesembriacerus (Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) : un Oviboviné primitif du Vallésien (Miocène supérieur) de Macédoine (Grèce)
Geneviève Bouvrain and Louis de Bonis
Keywords: Bovidae; Cladistics; Late Miocene; Ovibovinae; Vallesian

    The bovid Mesembriacerus melentisi, the numerous skulls, teeth and limb bones of which are described from the locality Ravin de la Pluie (Macedonia, Greece), bears some features which allow us to put it in the tribe ovibovini (Ovibovinae) with several other Miocene genera and the Recent one Ovibos. A cladogram gives the phyletic relationships within this tribe. It shows that Mesembriacerus which is one of the oldest genera, is also the most primitive. The limb bones are as elongated as those of Recent cursorial bovids and they show, as does the bulk of the fauna, an open environment for the locality. 

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Published in Vol. 14, Fasc. 4 (1984)

Révision des Chiroptères Lutériens de Messel (Hesse, Allemagne).
Donald E. Russell and Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Chiroptera; Lutetian; Messel

doi: 10.18563/pv.3.4.83-182

    The revision of the Lutetian chiropterans from Messel, first described by Revilliod in 1917, is based on the anatomy of the teeth and the skeleton.  A figuration or refiguration of thematerial utilized accompanies the new description, which goes beyond that of the original monograph.
    The study shows a certain variability of the dental structure within the genera Palaeochiropteryx Revilliod and Archaeonycteris Revilliod,  as well as a general resemblance of the two forms. The morphology of the teeth permits, however, the verification of the validity of the different species: Palaeochiropteryx tupaiodon Revilliod, P. spiegeli Revilliod, Archaeonycterís trigonodon Revilliod, and Archaeonycteris revilliodi, n. sp.
    Some differences of the skeletal and dental anatomy tend to indicate a stage of evolution less advanced for the genus Archaeonycteris.
    The comparison of the chiropterans of Messel with the principal groups of living chiropterans, as well as with different Eocene fossíls (notably Cecílionycteris Heller and Icaronycteris Jepsen) leads to a more precise idea of the anatomy of primitive chiropterans. This comparison also permits the proposition that the oid forms so far described by integrated in a superfamily, the Palaeochiropterygoidea and allows   a general phylogenetic hypothesis to be advanced for the order Chiroptera. 

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Published in Vol. 03, Fasc. 4 (1970)

D'important restes de Diplobune minor FILHOL à Itardies (Quercy)
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Diplobune; Quercy phosphorites

    Abstract not available 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974)

The fossil rabbit from Valdemino cave (Borgio Verezzi,Savona) in the context of western Europe Oryctolagini of Quaternary.
Giulia Nocchi and Benedetto Sala
Keywords: Lagomorpha; Mammals; North-western Italy; Oryctolagus; Plio-Pleistocene; Savona

    The present research deals with the remains of a lagomorph found at Valdemino cave and comes to the conclusion that it is a rabbit with peculiar characteristics in comparison with the other known species Oryctolagus laynensis, O. lacosti and 0. cuniculus. We studied other fossil remains of rabbit populations from Villafranchían and middle Pleistocene deposits and compared them with data from the literature and with recent material. The analysis leads us to maintain two phylogenetic hypotheses about the history of Oryctolagini. The ñrst one, already formulated by Lopez Martinez, suggests that 0. cuniculus derives from O. laynensis,while the origin of O. lacostí is unknown; according to the second hypothesis 0. laynensis would be the common ancestor of two phyletic lineages, 0. lacosti and 0. cuniculus. In both cases the lagomorph from Valdemino would be the form derived from 0. lacosti, from which however it differs in peculiar characteristics. Since the rabbit from Valdemino survives until the beginning of Postgalerian, its disappearance may coincide with the retreat of 0. cuniculus from western Europe in Spain and, perhaps, in south-western France, before the last glaciation. O. cuniculus survived in Spain, from where it spread once again over western Europe as a result of man.


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Published in Vol. 26, Fasc. 1-4 (1997)