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Hyracodontids and rhinocerotids (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotoidea) from the Paleogene of Mongolia
Demberelyin Dashzeveg
Keywords: Hyracodontidae; Mongolia; Paleogene; Perissodactyla; Rhinocerotidae

        Two families are reviewed (Hyracodontidae and Rhinocerotidae) from the Paleogene of Mongolia. The following taxa are described from the former family:  Triplopus? mergenensis sp. nov., Prohyracodon meridionale CHOW, Prohyracodon? parvus sp. nov., Forstercooperia ergiliinensis GABUNIA & DASHZEVEG, Ardynia praecox MATTHEW & GRANGER, A. mongoliensis (BELIAYEVA), Ardynia sp., Urtinotheríum sp. (or Indricotherium) and Armania asiana GABUNIA & DASHZEVEG. All of them are from the Paleogene of the eastem Gobi Desert The hyracodontid Pataecops parvus RADINSKY is described from a new locality, Menkhen-Teg (Middle Eocene), in the Valley of Lakes.
        In the second family, a new species of Ronzotherium, R. orientale sp. nov. has been recognized from the Oligocene of Ergilin Dzo and Khoer Dzan of the eastem Gobi Desert. Ronzotherium sp. and Allacerops sp. have been described from the Oligocene of Khoer Dzan. The genus Ronzotherium, formerly known from the Oligocene of eastem Europe, has been reliably established in the Oligocene fauna of Mongolia. The genus Symphysorrachis BELIAYEVA, 1954, previously believed to be a junior synonym of Ronzotherium, is here resurrected.
        Descriptions are provided for key localities in the Eocene and Oligocene of Mongolia and the adjacent territories of northern China, containing fossil Hyracodontidae and Rhinocerotidae. In addition, the question of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in these Mongolian and Chinese sections is discussed. Paleontological evidence has been used to correlate Eocene-Oligocene boundary layers in the eastem Gobi Desert (Mongolia) and Inner Mongolia (China). A brief discussion is provided on the phylogenetic affinities of the genera within the family Hyracodontidae. 

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Published in Vol. 21, Fasc. 1-2 (1991)

 La poche à phosphate de Ste-Neboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertébres du Ludien Supérieur. 1 La poche et son remplissage
Bernard Gèze
Keywords: Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    La poche de Ste-Néboule, commune de Béduer (Lot), 15 km environ à l'WSW de Figeac, fait partie du groupe le plus septentrional des gouffres creusés par les ruissellements du Paléogène dans les calcaires jurassiques de la bordure sud-ouest du Massif Central et qui furent comblés à la même époque par des argiles sidérolithiques accompagnées de phosphate de chaux concrétionné ainsi que des restes de la célèbre faune dite «des phosphorites du Quercy» . 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertébres du Ludien supérieur. 4- Crocodiliens
Eric Buffetaut
Keywords: Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    Crocodilians are represented in the Upper Eocene of Sainte·Néboule (Lot) by an isolated parietal and a dorsal scute, bath from young individuals. They are refferred to Diplocynodon sp. Predators (mammals and birds) are probably responsible for the occurrence of remains of small crocodilians (belonging to the genera Allognathosuchus and Diplocynodon) in the phosphorltes of Quercy. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

Mammals of the Eocene locality Toru Ajgyr (Kyrgyzstan)
Jorg Erfurt and Alexander Averianov
Keywords: Eocene; Kyrgyzstan; Mammalia; Olsenia; Palaeoecology; Stratigraphy; taxonomy

    Morphological descriptions are given of Eocene mammals from the locality Toru Ajgyr (NEKyrgyzstan) that were excavated in 1997 and 1998 in a cooperation between the Martin-Luther-University Halle (Germany), the Zoological Institute in St. Petersburg (Russia) and the Seismological Institute in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). The species found belong mostly to perissodactyls, as Lophialetes sp., Teleolophus sp. and brontotheres. The primitive ungulate family Olseniidae is represented by a complete foot skeleton of cf. Olsenia sp. In addition, postcranial materials of Gobiatherium mirificum (Dinocerata) and of artiodactyls have been collected and are described herein. Based on mammals, the locality is part of the Asian Land Mammal Age Arshantan and is stratigraphically equivalent with the Bridgerian Land Mammal Age in North America and with the lower and middle Geiseltalian of the European Middle Eocene. 

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Published in Vol. 34, Fasc. 3-4 (2006)

Rongeurs de l'Oligocène moyen provenant de nouvelles fouilles dans les phosphorites du Quercy
Monique Vianey-Liaud
Keywords: Oligocene; Quercy phosphorites; Rodents; Theridomys

doi: 10.18563/pv.2.5.209-239

    A recent campaign of excavations (1965-68) undertaken by the Laboratoire de Paléontologie of Montpellier in pockets of the Quercy phosphorites, has permitted the dating of several localities thanks to the analysis of their micromammalian fauna.
    The rodents of localities belonging to the middle Oligocene (La Sauvetat zone) are the object of this study. This rodent fauna has been compared to the forms coming from three stratified localities belonging to the biochronologic zone of La Sauvetat :  Balm, Montalban and Lovagny.
    The abundance of material, notably of theridomyids and cricetids, permitted a summary statistical study to be effected and gave some precise details on the variability of the species (Theridomys varians in particular). Other details were provided on certain groups, notably on the upper teeth of Scíuromys cayluxi and on the milk teeth of theridomyids. Some specimens of «Sciurus» sp. and of Plesispermophilus angustidens were collected. By this means, it has been possible to establish, for the first time, a precise upper limit to the epoch of their appearance in Europe. 

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Published in Vol. 02, Fasc. 5 (1969)

Fossil mammals and the age of the changxindian formation, Northeastern China
Spencer G. Lucas
Keywords: Changxindian Formation; China; Eocene; Fossil mammals

    Re-evaluation of the small collection of mammal fossils from the Changxindian Formation near Beijing, China indicates the following taxa are present: Eutheria, Hypsimilus beifingensis, cf. Miacis sp., Anthracotheriidae and Forstercooperia grandis. The presence of Forstercooperia grandis indicates an Irdinmanhan age and does not support previous assignment of a Sharamurunian age to the Changxindian Formation. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

First report of an Eocene reptile fauna from Florida, USA
Alan J. Holman
Keywords: Eocene; Fauna; Florida; Reptile; USA

    Fossils of the Trionychidae, Bataguridae or Emydidae, Palaeophis and Crocodylia from Chattahoochee, NW Florida, USA, represent the first report of an Eocene reptile fauna from Florida. 

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Published in Vol. 30, Fasc. 1-2 (2001)


Premières données sur les carnivores fissipèdes provenant des fouilles récentes dans le Quercy
Louis de Bonis
Keywords: Carnivores; Quercy phosphorites

    Abstract not available 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974)

Pseudorhyncocyon cayluxi Filhol, 1892 insectivore géant des phosphorites du Quercy
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Insectivores; Leptictidae; Quercy phosphorites

    Une hémimandibule et une molaire supérieure recueillies dans le gisement oligocène inférieur d'Escamps (phosphorites du Quercy) fournissent de nouvelles informations sur le genre Pseudorhyncocyon FllHOL, grand insectivore longirostre du Paléogène d'Europe, fossile très mal connu jusqu'ici. Des comparaisons avec les macroscélididés africains, géolabididés nord-américains, et leptictidés euraméricains permettent de rattacher cet amimal aux leptictidés, et de le rapprocher du genre Lepticidium TOBIEN, au sein de la sous-famille européenne nouvelle des pseudorhyncocyoninés. 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 1-2 (1974)

Les Ischyrictis de la transition Vindobonien-Vallésien
Miquel Crusafont i Pairó
Keywords: Ischyrictis; Mustelidae

    Abstract not available 

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Published in Vol. 05, Fasc. 5 (1972)

First record of the genus Megaderma Geoffroy (Microchiroptera: Megadermatidae) from Australia.
Suzanne J. Hand
Keywords: Australia; Chiroptera; Megaderma; Megadermatidae; Pliocene; Rackham's Roost Site; Riversleigh

    A new Tertiary megadermatid is described from Rackham's Roost Site, a Pliocene limestone cave deposit on Riversleigh Station, northwestern Queensland, Australia. It appears to represent the first Australian record of Megaderma GEOFFROY, 1810, a genus otherwise known from Tertiary African and European taxa and the living Asian species M. spasma (LINNAEUS, 1758) and M. (Lyroderma) lyra PETERS, 1872. Megademza richardsi n. sp. is one of the smallest megademiatids known. It exhibits a mixture of plesiomorphic and autapomorphic features, the latter appearing to exclude it from being ancestral to any living megadermatid. The new species is one of eight megadermatids identified from the Australian fossil record, most of which are referable to Macroderma MILLER, 1906. 

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Published in Vol. 24, Fasc. 1-2 (1995)

Strange Eocene rodents from Spain
Pablo Pelaez-Campomanes and Nieves Lopez-Martinez
Keywords: Biogeography; Eocene; PHYLOGENY; Rodents; Spain; Zamoramys extraneus n. gen. n. sp.

    A new European rodent from the middle Eocene of Spain, Zamoramys extraneus n. gen., n. sp., appears to be closely related to the middle Eocene chapattimyid rodents of Indo-Pakistan. This contradicts the generally accepted paleobiogeographic hypothesis of a Tethyian barrier between Europe and Asia isolating Europe during the middle Eocene. Because of this barrier, some authors have proposed that European and Asian rodents were not closely related, their similarity being the result of morphological convergence. Here monophyly has been tested, using the parsimony criterion, based on an analysis of dental characters (including discussing of homology and the validity of some characteristics). Our results indicate a phylogenetic relationship among the Asiatic Ctenodactyloidea, Zamoramys from Spain, and the European endemic Theridomyoidea. We also conclude from our analysis that theridomyoids and European ischyromyoids are probably not closely related phylogenetically. 

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Published in Vol. 25, Fasc. 2-4 (1996)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 3 - Les artiodactyles ruminants
Léonard Ginsburg and Herbert Thomas
Keywords: Artiodactyla; France; Montredon; Ruminentia; Upper Miocene

    The remains of Ruminantia are very rare at Montredon. No specific determination was possible. We have only one Micromeryx, one small cervid, one tragocere and one (?) gazella. The faunal spectrum is in good correlation with the general retreat of the cervids in the European upper Miocene, but in contrast it is not convenient for the bovids, which are in expansion at the same time. For them, we have to invoke the local ecological conditions.

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 6 - Les périssodactyles Rhinocerotidae
Claude Guérin
Keywords: Aceratherium; anatomy; Biostratigraphy; Dicerorhinus; Miocene; Montredon; Paleoecology; Upper Vallesian

    The Montredon site has yielded about hundred rhinoceros remains:
    - twenty two of them, including 14 carpal and tarsal bones and 6 complete metapodials, belong to
    Dicerorhinus schleiermacheri at its second evolutionary stage;
    - fifty one remains including a nearby complete but crushed skull, a mandible, 26 isolated cheek-teeth, 10 carpals and tarsals, one metacarpal, are of Aceratherium incisivum, second evolutionary
    - fifteen remains belong to Aceratherium (Alicornops) simorrense (among other an upper molar, 8 carpals and tarsals, one metatarsal);
    - six remains are attributed to an undetermined species of what is probably the most recent Prosantorhinus ever found.
    The evolution stages of the two first species allow us to date the deposit back to the Upper Vallesian, MN 10 zone; Montredon is one of the youngest sites in which Aceratherium simorrense was found. The four rhino species indicate a swampy forest biotope 

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)

Première occurrence d'un mégachiroptère ptéropodidé dans le Miocène moyen d'Europe (Gisement de Lo Fournas-II, Pyrénées-Orientales, France).
Jean-Pierre Aguilar, Marc Calvet, Jean-Yves Crochet, Serge Legendre, Jacques Michaux and Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Europe; First occurence; Megachiroptera; Middle Miocene; Teeth

    A lot of isolated teeth of a pteropodid fruit bat has been recently found within an assemblage of micromammals recovered from a karstic fissure filling named Lo Fournas-Il near the locality of Baixas (Pyrénées-Orientales, France). The fauna is Middle Miocene Serravallian age. The fossil fruit bat appears morphologically close to Rousettus; its size is that of a recent medium-sized fruit bat. While the fruit bats are very poorly known as fossils, this discovery shows that one of their recent types of dentitions was perfectly established by Middle Miocene times, and supports the presumed long geologic story of the suborder. One of the major invasions of the Old World fruit bats, supposed originated from SE Asia, reached up to Europe. A suborder unit is added to the miocene fauna of this continent. 

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Published in Vol. 16, Fasc. 3 (1986)

La variabilité morphologique dentaire du Landenodon (Condylarthra) de Dormaal, (Eocène,Belgique)
Marc Godinot
Keywords: Condylarths; Dormaal; Early Eocene; Landenodon

    The study of dental variations in Landenodon from Dormaal (early Eocene, Belgium) shows that only one
    species is present in this locality : L. woutersi QUINET, 1968 (Condylarthra, Arctocyonidae, Arctocyoninae). A high morphological variability is described, especially concerning the metaconid of P/4, the paraconid of M/2, and some characters of M1/ which have been found to be independant of each other. This variability is discussed. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Essai de filiation des campagnols et des lemmings (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) en zone holartique d'après la morphologie dentaire.
Jean Chaline
Keywords: Arvicolidae; Dental morphology; Paleogeography; phyletic relationships

    The Arvicolid evolution results in an increase of the dental structure complexity. The M3/ differenciation seems to characterise the tribe subdivisions, that of M/1 being variable from one to another lineage. The phyletic relationships of fossil lineages are discussed from a paleogeographic point of view. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

Sur le statut taxonomique de Myotis KAUP 1829 (Mammalia, Chiroptera).
Henri Menu
Keywords: Myotis; taxonomy

    Suite à la récente publication d'une révision systématique des Chiroptera Vespertilioninae, conduite sur la base des morphologies dentaires comparées (Menu 1987), une remarque bienveillante du Dr. V. Aellen (Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève) a attiré l'attention de l'auteur sur un point précis du Code International de Nomenclature Zoologique. 

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Published in Vol. 18, Fasc. 4 (1988)

Le genre Mesembriacerus (Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) : un Oviboviné primitif du Vallésien (Miocène supérieur) de Macédoine (Grèce)
Geneviève Bouvrain and Louis de Bonis
Keywords: Bovidae; Cladistics; Late Miocene; Ovibovinae; Vallesian

    The bovid Mesembriacerus melentisi, the numerous skulls, teeth and limb bones of which are described from the locality Ravin de la Pluie (Macedonia, Greece), bears some features which allow us to put it in the tribe ovibovini (Ovibovinae) with several other Miocene genera and the Recent one Ovibos. A cladogram gives the phyletic relationships within this tribe. It shows that Mesembriacerus which is one of the oldest genera, is also the most primitive. The limb bones are as elongated as those of Recent cursorial bovids and they show, as does the bulk of the fauna, an open environment for the locality. 

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Published in Vol. 14, Fasc. 4 (1984)

Un nouveau chiroptère vespertilionide de l'Oligocène d'Europe
Bernard Sigé and Henri Menu
Keywords: bats; Europe; nov. sp.; Oligocene; Vespertilionid

    A fossil species of the extant genus Leuconoe, L. lavocati n. sp. from Le Garouillas Oligocene locality, Quercy phosphorites, SW-France, is established in nomenclatural standards. 

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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 1 (1992)