
March 1971
Vol. 04, Fasc. 4
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PalaeovertebrataVol. 04, Fasc. 4:97-135. 1971
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Contribution à l'étude des genres Gliravus et Microparamys (Rodentia) de l'Eocène d'Europe.
Jean-Louis Hartenberger
Keywords: Eocene; Gliravus; Microparamys; Rodentia

doi: 10.18563/pv.4.4.97-135

Cite this article: Hartenberger J.-L., 1971. Contribution à l'étude des genres Gliravus et Microparamys (Rodentia) de l'Eocène d'Europe. Palaeovertebrata 4 (4): 97-135. doi: 10.18563/pv.4.4.97-135

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Based on material found in about 15 localities the relationships of the genera Microparamys and Glirarus have been studied. One new genus, two subgenera and three species [Microparamys (Sparnacomys) chandoni n. subgen. and n. sp., Microparamys (Pantrogna) russelli n. subgen., Eoglirarus wildi n. gen. and n. sp., Gliravus meridionalis n. sp.] as well as the publication
of numerous new facts concerning species previously reported, support the phyletic scheme proposed. The latter shows that the origin of the Gliravinae is to be sought among the very small and still rather poorly known Microparamys species of the early Eocene. Gliravus: robiacensis can be considered as the common ancestor to different lineages not only of Glirarus but also of modern genera (Peridyromys, Glirudinus and Microdyromyx), at the origin of which Peridyromys micio, although difficult  to interpret, occupies a similar place.

The stratigraphic conclusions permit more detail in the chronologie succession of the localities studied. The paleoecologic and biogeographic aspects lead one to the problem of the oligocene "Grande Coupure" through the study of this group.


Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 4 (1971)


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