Contribution à l'étude des Cricétidés oligocènes d'Europe occidentale
Cricetidae; Europe; Oligocene
doi: 10.18563/pv.5.1.1-44
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Vianey-Liaud M., 1972. Contribution à l'étude des Cricétidés oligocènes d'Europe occidentale. Palaeovertebrata 5 (1): 1-44. doi: 10.18563/pv.5.1.1-44
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Of the ten cricetid species from the Oligocene of Western Europe, attributed until now to the genus Eucricetodon, only four prove to be utilizable - E. atavus, E. huberi, E. praecursor, E. collatum - to which it is possible to add two forms newly described: E. huerzeleri and E. quercyi. The evolullon of the genus Pseudocricetodon is also the subject of new observations. The study of the dental morphology allows us to distinguish in these two genera three lineages beginning in the middle Oligocene:
- Lineage P. montalbenensis-P. thaleri (from Montalban to Goderet), of small size, without
increase in size.
- LineageE. atavus-E. infralactorensis (from Hoogbulsel to Estrepouy), of middle size, with a regular increase in size.
- Lineage E. huerzeleri-E. haslachense (level of Montalban to that of Estrepouy), of large size, with an increase in size.
Two other forms are equally represented in these loealitles: Heterocricetodon aff. helbengi and Melissiodon quercyi. It has been possible to attribute a precise age (zone of "Cournon") to the last species, which has been defined by Schaub (l925) from material in the Old Quercy collections. The genera Pseudocricetodon, Eucricetodon, ? "Cricetodon", Leydimys, Eumys, differentiated at the beginning of the middle Oligocene in Europe, Asia and North America, seem to derive from a common ancestral group. The place of origin of this group could be situated in Asia.
Published in Vol. 05, Fasc. 1 (1972)
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