Anatomie du membre antérieur chez un chiroptère Molossidé (Tadarida sp.) du Stampien de Cereste (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence).
Chiroptera; Molossidae; Oligocene
doi: 10.18563/pv.4.1.1-38
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Sigé B., 1971. Anatomie du membre antérieur chez un chiroptère Molossidé (Tadarida sp.) du Stampien de Cereste (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). Palaeovertebrata 4 (1): 1-38. doi: 10.18563/pv.4.1.1-38
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The present study describes in detail the anterior limb osteology of a molossid chiropteran of the genus Tadarida, from Céreste, a Stampian locality in the Apt-Forcalquier Oligocene basin already known for its fishes, plants and insects.
A comparision with the Miocene forms T. srehlini from Saint-Géraud localities and T. sp. from Württemberg, also with the recent forms T. teniotis and Eumops perotis, does not show any clear morphological differences between the Tertiary and Recent Tadarida, indicating a rather noticeable anatomical stability, not exceptionnal indeed among Chiropterans. The Céreste fossil exhibits however slightly primitive wing proportions if compared to the Saint Gérand Aquitanian species.
Several remarks deal with the peculiar relationships between the ecology of the molossids and their kind of fossilisation, frequently associated with sedimentary facies of the lacustrine type.
Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 1 (1971)
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