
September 1969
Vol. 03, Fasc. 1
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PalaeovertebrataVol. 03, Fasc. 1:1-25. 1969
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Muridae (Rodentia) du Pliocène supérieur d'Espagne et du midi de la France.
Jacques Michaux
Keywords: Anthracomys meini; Castillomys crusafonti; Pliocene; Rodents; Valerymys ellenbergeri

doi: 10.18563/pv.3.1.1-25

Cite this article: Michaux J., 1969. Muridae (Rodentia) du Pliocène supérieur d'Espagne et du midi de la France. Palaeovertebrata 3 (1): 1-25. doi: 10.18563/pv.3.1.1-25

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The murid fauna of the terminal Pliocene of southwest Europe is rich in at least eight genera and ten species. With the species belonging to the genera Apodemus, Rhagapodemus, and Stephanomys not being studied here, the study of the other murids resulted for one thing in the description of three new genera and three new species: Castillomys crusafonti n. g., n. sp., Occitanomys brailloni n. g., n. sp., Anthracomys meini n. sp., Valerymys ellenbergerí (THALER) n. g., and for another thing in the recognition of a form hitherto unknown in this region, Micromys praeminutus KRETZOI. Systematic study has shown that certain species of the terminal Pliocene fauna had their ancestors in the Turolian fauna presently known in Spain. The evolutionary lineages thereby recognized have been studied more in detail and a list of the evolutionary tendencies of the dendal characters has been given. A chart of the probable phyletic relationships between the different murids of the Pliocene faunas of southwest Europe (With the genus Rhagapodemus and Apodemus dominans being excluded) is given in conclusion of this work. 

Published in Vol. 03, Fasc. 1 (1969)


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