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Essai de reconstitution d'un paysage du Quercy vers -35 Ma. (Esquisse de Christian Pondeville, 1977).
Monique Vianey-Liaud and Christian Pondeville
Keywords: Landscape reconstruction; Quercy phosphorites

    Le Quercy est aujourd'hui un vaste plateau calcaire, parcouru par un réseau karstique actif, pro· fondément entaillé par des vallées aux falaises abruptes, comme celles du Lot ou du Célé. Sur un sol peu épais domine la forêt de chênes, accompagnés de cornouillers, érables, genévriers. La faune est pauvre, peu diverse, et les nombreux chasseurs se satisfont de gibier d'élevage ...
    Il y a trente-cinq millions d'années environ, le paysage était bien différent. La période de l'Eocène supérieur, qui s'achevait, avait été chaude et humide, si l'on se réfère à la fois aux paléotempératures (calculées à partir de sédiments marins extra-européens) et aux restes fossilisés de végétaux typiquement tropicaux.
    Le Causse du Quercy devait être un plateau très disséqué par la karstification, à surface lapiazée creusée de gouffres en rapide évolution interne, et couvert d'un sol assez épais. Une forêt tropicale humide, avec notamment des Myricacées et des gymnospermes, recouvrait l'ensemble du pays, à peine interrompue au niveau des rares points d'eaux situés dans les bas-fonds. Dans ce cadre vivait une faune considérablement différente de la maigre faune actuelle. Si nous pouvons l'imaginer, c'est grâce aux cadavres des animaux entraînés dans les cavités par les eaux courantes ou les prédateurs, ou bien logeant et mourant dans les milieux souterrains. Nombre de ces restes, fossilisés, sont parvenus jusqu'à nous et sont aujourd'hui l'objet d'étude. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

The stratigraphic sequence of North American rodent faunas
Robert W. Wilson
Keywords: North America; Rodents; Stratigraphic sequence

    Rodents first appear in the latest Paleocene or earliest Eocene as very fragmentary specimens (Family Paramyidae) known largely from a single locality. After this sparse beginning, rodents are usually abundant in the North American record if proper recovery methods are used. Utilization of rodents for biostratigraphic purposes depends on 1/ extinction, and 2/ replacement by evolution of endemic groups and/or incursions of Old World rodents, and rarely and late by South American kinds. These incursions are separated by relatively long periods of isolation in the Paleogene, but more episodic in the Neogene. At least 10 rodent zones can be characterized by major distinctions, and these zones can be amplified into as many as 16 with little trouble. In general, rodent genera permit as refined a zonation as do genera of large mammals. Distinction at a specific level has not been attempted herein except in the Blancan and Post-Blancan. 

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

L'anatomie de Lyrocephaliscus euri (wiman), Trématosaure du Trias inférieur du Spitsberg : arrière-crâne, squelette axial et ceinture scapulaire.
Jean-Michel Mazin and Philippe Janvier
Keywords: skull anatomy; Spitsbergen; Trematosaurs; Trias

    The formic acid preparation of a nodule collected from the Lower Triassic of Spitsbergen, and containing a skull with some associated postcranial elements of Lyrocephaliscus euri (WIMAN), precises and enriches previous descriptions of the reputedly well-known trematosaur. lt permits more detailed descriptions of the occipital region, of the course of the carotid arteries and collateral vessels, and refutes the previous description of a stapedial foramen in trematosaurs. The discovery of pleurocentres associated with the other vertebral components confirms the primitive rhachitomy of trematosaurs. 

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Published in Vol. 13, Fasc. 1-2 (1983)

Evolution of the Rhizomyine zygoma
Lawrence J. Flynn, Mohammed Sarwar and Jean-Jacques Jaeger
Keywords: parallel evolution; Rhizomyidae; Rodentia; Siwalik; zygoma

    Cranial anatomy of a late Miocene rhizomyid, Brafhyrhizomys cf. B. pilgrimi, provides new evidence on the origin of the dorsal, round infraorbital foramen of living rhizomyines. Primitive rhizomyids retain a myomorphous keyhole foramen with a long ventral slit that retracts upward during the evolutionary history of the Rhizomyidae. The primitive condition of the elongated ventral slit is represented by Kanisamys sivalensis. Among later burrowers the foramen shows progressive dorsal migration, the ventral slit terminating midway up the snout in B.tertracharax and B. choristos ; well above the midline of the snout in Brachyrhizamys cf. B. pilgrimi. Apparently this transformation began earlier among Rhizomyinae than among Tachyoryctinae and continued to a more derived stage in rhizomyines. ln living Rhizomyx the ventral slit is absent and only a high round hole remains at the anterior end of the zygomatic arch. 

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Published in Vol. 15, Fasc. 3 (1985)

La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertebres du Ludien superieur. 14 - Conclusions générales
Jean-Louis Hartenberger
Keywords: Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    Le matériel provenant de nouvelles fouilles dans les phosphorites du Quercy, soumis aux divers spécialistes, a conduit à la soutenance de plusieurs thèses d'état: sur les rongeurs (Hartenberger, Vianey-Liaud), les Chiroptères et Insectivores (Sigé), les Artiodactyles (Sudre), les Squamates (Rage) et, en partie, les Chéloniens (De Broin). Chacun dans son domaine, à côté des conclusions d'ordre évolutif, paléogéographique ou paléoécologique, a pu établir des successions stratigraphiques des gisements du Quercy qui se sont révélées largement concordantes. Ainsi la succession des faunes du Quercy est actuellement l'une des mieux établies. Dans ce contexte, les différents spécialistes ont décidé de conjuguer leurs efforts dans l'étude monographique de plusieurs gisements repérés le long de cette échelle, afin de rassembler l'information paléontologique sur des faunes bien précises et de tenter d'obtenir des indications d'ordre taphonomique. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

Prospection paléontologique de la région de Torralba de Ribota (Burdigalien du bassin de Calatayud, prov. de Zaragoza, Espagne)
Edouard Boné, Maria T. Alberdi, Manuel Hoyos and Nieves Lopez-Martinez
Keywords: Faunal assemblage; Macromammals; Spain; Zaragoza prov.

    The study of another faunal assemblage (mostly macromammals) from Torralba de Ribota (Calatayud, Zara-
    goza Prov.) demonstrates the Middle "Burdigalian" age of the deposit, MEIN zone 4a. Some ten genera have been recognized. a.o. Anchitherium, Aceratherium and Lagopsis

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Published in Vol. 9, Ext (1980)

The Pleistocene vertebrate fauna of Robinson Cave, Overton County, Tennessee
J. E. Guilday, H. W. Hamilton and A. D. Mc Crady
Keywords: Fauna; Mammalia; Pleistocene; Tennessee

doi: 10.18563/pv.2.2.25-75

    A late Pleistocene deposit of 60 species of vertebrates and 12 of invertebrates is described from Robinson Cave, Overton County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Forty-eight species of mammals are represented by at least 2,483 individuals; 10 % are extinct, 10 % occur in the state only as boreal relicts in the Great Smoky Mountains; 23 % no longer occur as far south as Tennessee; 57 % occur at or near the site today. Nínety-one percent of the Recent mammal species can be found living today in the Minnesota-Wisconsin area, approximately 10 degrees farther north. Fluorine analysis suggests a long period of accumulation. The following 10 mammalian species are recorded from Tennessee for the first time. Sorex arcticus, Microsorex hoyi, Citellus tridecemlineatus, Clethrionomys gapperi, Microtus pennsylvanicus, Synaptomys cooperi, Synaptomys borealis, Zapus nudsonius, Napaeozapus insignis, Martes americana. Six additional species are present as boreal relicts in the Great Smoky Mountains of eastern Tennessee but not at the site today : Sorex cinereus, Sorex dispar, Sorex palustris, Parascalops breweri, Glaucomys sabrinus, Mustela nivalis. Six forms are extinct: Canis dirus, Ursus americanus amplidens, Sangamona furtiva, Dasypus bellus, Mammut americanus,Megalonyx jeffersoni. Twenty-six additional species of mammals, all of the snails, birds, reptiles, and amphibians recovered from the fauna still inhabit the area today: The fauna is indicative of a cold-temperate climatic episode associated with the Wisconsin glaciation, but may be chronologically mixed. 

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Published in Vol. 02, Fasc. 2 (1969)

Koobi Fora Research Project, volume 3. The fossil ungulates: geology, fossil artiodactyls, and palaeoenvironments, édité par John Michael HARRIS, 1991. Clarendon Press, Oxford, xvi + 384 p. ISBN 0-19-857399-5.
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Artiodactyls; palaeovenvironments; Ungulates

    Avec ce volume se clôture l'étude géologique et paléontologique des sites à hominidés de Koobi Fora. Il fait suite aux deux précédents ouvrages, parus respectivement en 1978 et 1983, consacrés également à l'étude des faunes recueillies sur ces gisements dans le cadre du Koobi Fora Research Project. 

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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 2-3 (1993)

Données nouvelles sur le genre Stehlinia (Vespertilionoidea, Chiroptera) du Paléocène d'Europe
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Chiroptera; Palaeocene; Vespertilionoidea

    Abstract not available 

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Published in Vol. 06, Fasc. 3-4 (1975)

The skull of Arsinoitherium (Mammalia, Embrithopoda) and the higher order interrelationships of ungulates
Nicholas Court
Keywords: Arsinoitherium; PHYLOGENY; Skull; Ungulate

     Detailed anatomical description of arsinoithere cranial remains from the Lower Oligocene, Fayum Depression, Egypt, provides the basic data for a systematic investigation. All cranial and some postcranial features are assessed from a phylogenetic standpoint. Several soft tissue characters are then added to a cladistic analysis based on 54 derived ungulate morphological characters. The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis implies that perissodactyls, sirenians, proboscideans and arsinoitheres constitute a monophyletic unit (5 synapomorphies). However, increasing the tree length by 3 steps reveals a closer association between hyraxes and perissodactyls. Nevertheless, 13 synapomorphies link proboscideans, sirenians and  arsinoitheres to the exclusion of all other ungulates. Form of the sphenopalatine and ethmoid foramina, recurved posttympanic process, absence of a fenestra rotundum in the petrosal, vestigial paroccipital process of the exoccipital and the highly unusual absence of a hypoglossal foramen in the skull, imply a robust sister-group relationship between arsinoitheres and proboscideans. In this analysis artiodactyls share only one derived character with all other ungulates studied. Monophyly of Ungulata, including Artiodactyla, is therefore only weakly supported. It is argued that pedal anatomy of hyraxes is non-homologous with that of Tethytheria. Arsinoitherium should now be classified within Tethytheria, sharing a sister-group relationship with Proboscidea. Hyraxes are excluded, thus refuting the concept of Paenungulata. However, monophyly of the wider concept, Pantomesaxonia, containing hyraxes, perissodactyls, sirenians, proboscideans and now, arsinoitheres, is supported by this study. 

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Published in Vol. 22, Fasc. 1 (1992)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. Avant propos.
Bernard Sigé
Keywords: Editorial; Mammalia; Montredon; Upper Miocene

    Le Mémoire Extraordinaire 1988 de PALAEOVERTEBRATA regroupe dix articles consacrés au gisement à mammifères du Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault), connu et classique depuis la fin du siècle dernier, et auquel est lié le nom du savant paléontologue lyonnais Charles Depéret.
    Cette monographie vient normalement à la suite de celle parue en 1982 dans PALAEOVERTEBRATA, dont les différents articles traitaient de la stratigraphie du gisement, et faisaient l'étude des différents groupes de micromammifères représentés dans la faune (insectivores, chiroptères, rongeurs). 

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)


A femur of the Late Cretaceous giant bird Gargantuavis from Cruzy (southern France) and its systematic implications
Eric Buffetaut and Delphine Angst
Keywords: Aves; femur; France; Gargantuavis; Late Cretaceous

doi: 10.18563/pv.42.1.e3

    A large avian femur recently discovered at the Late Cretaceous Montplo-Nord locality at Cruzy (Hérault, southern France) is referred to the giant bird Gargantuavis philoinos. The estimated mass of the bird is 57 kg, within the range of living cassowaries. The specimen provides new evidence about the anatomy of G. philoinos, notably showing that the distal end of the femur was similar to that of modern birds in having a condylus lateralis subdivided into two semicondyles. A new diagnosis of Gargantuavis philoinos is provided and the taxon is placed in a new family of basal ornithurines.

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Published in Vol 42-1 (2019)

Contributions à l'étude du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). Les grands mammifères. 1 - Les Lagomorphes
Nieves Lopez-Martinez
Keywords: Lagomorpha; Montredon; Prolagus; Upper Miocene

    A sample of 231 isolated teeth of lagomorphs from the upper Miocene of Montredon (southern France), identified as the ochotonid Prolagus crusafonii DOPEZ, 1975, is studied, comparing it with other populations of the same species as well as with its closest species P. oeningensis (KÖNIG, 1825).
    The maintenance dining 5 m.y. of a high morphological variability in a group of non-selected features is interpreted as an evolutionary response. This may be related with the heterogeneity and probably too with the regression of the environment. 

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Published in Vol. 18, Ext (1988)

Contribution à l'étude des genres Gliravus et Microparamys (Rodentia) de l'Eocène d'Europe.
Jean-Louis Hartenberger
Keywords: Eocene; Gliravus; Microparamys; Rodentia

doi: 10.18563/pv.4.4.97-135

    Based on material found in about 15 localities the relationships of the genera Microparamys and Glirarus have been studied. One new genus, two subgenera and three species [Microparamys (Sparnacomys) chandoni n. subgen. and n. sp., Microparamys (Pantrogna) russelli n. subgen., Eoglirarus wildi n. gen. and n. sp., Gliravus meridionalis n. sp.] as well as the publication
    of numerous new facts concerning species previously reported, support the phyletic scheme proposed. The latter shows that the origin of the Gliravinae is to be sought among the very small and still rather poorly known Microparamys species of the early Eocene. Gliravus: robiacensis can be considered as the common ancestor to different lineages not only of Glirarus but also of modern genera (Peridyromys, Glirudinus and Microdyromyx), at the origin of which Peridyromys micio, although difficult  to interpret, occupies a similar place.

    The stratigraphic conclusions permit more detail in the chronologie succession of the localities studied. The paleoecologic and biogeographic aspects lead one to the problem of the oligocene "Grande Coupure" through the study of this group.


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Published in Vol. 04, Fasc. 4 (1971)

Mammals of the Eocene locality Toru Ajgyr (Kyrgyzstan)
Jorg Erfurt and Alexander Averianov
Keywords: Eocene; Kyrgyzstan; Mammalia; Olsenia; Palaeoecology; Stratigraphy; taxonomy

    Morphological descriptions are given of Eocene mammals from the locality Toru Ajgyr (NEKyrgyzstan) that were excavated in 1997 and 1998 in a cooperation between the Martin-Luther-University Halle (Germany), the Zoological Institute in St. Petersburg (Russia) and the Seismological Institute in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). The species found belong mostly to perissodactyls, as Lophialetes sp., Teleolophus sp. and brontotheres. The primitive ungulate family Olseniidae is represented by a complete foot skeleton of cf. Olsenia sp. In addition, postcranial materials of Gobiatherium mirificum (Dinocerata) and of artiodactyls have been collected and are described herein. Based on mammals, the locality is part of the Asian Land Mammal Age Arshantan and is stratigraphically equivalent with the Bridgerian Land Mammal Age in North America and with the lower and middle Geiseltalian of the European Middle Eocene. 

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Published in Vol. 34, Fasc. 3-4 (2006)

La poche à phosphate de Ste-Néboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertébres du Ludien Supérieur. 2- Amphibiens. Etude Preliminaire
Jean-Claude Rage and Colette Vergnaud-Grazzini
Keywords: Eocene; Quercy phosphorites

    The Caudata are known by two Salamandridae ; one of them is attributed to the genus Megalotriton. The Pelobatidae form the major part of the Anura ; a few bones indicate also the presence of Neobatrachia. 

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Published in Vol. 08, Fasc. 2-4 (1978)

Les gisements de Robiac (Eocène supérieur) et leurs faunes de Mammifères.
Jean Sudre
Keywords: Fauna; Late Eocene; Mammalia; Robiac

doi: 10.18563/pv.2.3.95-156

    Designated the type-locality of a late Eocene paleomammal zone, Robiac has recently been the object of important excavations. The first results of the new collecting, as  well as a revision of the material in old collections, are given in this work.
    Two stratigraphic section, cutting through the two sites presently distinguished (Robiac-Nord and Robiac-Sud) reveal the lithologic variation at the base of the Fons Limestone and the localization of three fossiliferous beds at Robiac-Sud.
    The molluscan fauna and the flora (charophytes), which have already been described, as well as that of the lower vertebrates, have been listed.
    A list of 46 mammalian species (only 16 species were known previous to 1964) has been established. The micro-mammals, nearly all new in this fauna (marsupials, insectivores, bats, rodents, primates, and some smallsized artiodactyls), Were obtained only after screen-washing of the matrix; about 4 tons of sediment were thus treated.
    The artiodactyls have been the most extensively analyzed; 6 genera, of which one is new, have been recognized. The latter is described as Robiacina minum n.g., n.sp., and represents a very small artiodactyl of the family Anoplotheriidae. The taxonomie status of certain species formerly described has been clarified by the designation of lectotypes (Cebochoerus robiucensis, Catodonerium robiacense, Xiphodon castrense).
    The paleontologic corrélations at present possible between the late Eocene faunas have allowed the relative positions of te different French localities of this age to be established; the Guépelle locality, it seems, could define in the future a new paleomammal zone.

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Published in Vol. 02, Fasc. 3 (1969)

Evolution de la lignée Megacricetodon collongensis-Megacricetotodon roussillonensis (Cricetidae, Rodentia, mammalia) au cours du Midocène inférieur et moyen dans le Sud de la France.
Jean-Pierre Aguilar
Keywords: Cricetids rodents; Evolutionary lineage; Lower and Middle Miocene; Mammalian biochronology; Megacricetodon new species; Southern France

    New populations of the genus Megacricetodon have recently been discovered in Southern France.Two new species are defined: M. lemartineli n. sp. and M. fournasi n. sp., their stages of evolution are intermediate between those of M. gersii and M. roussillonensis. Morphological and biometrical analysis indicate the presence of only one lineage: M. collongensis--M. collongensis-gersii--M. gersii--M.lemartineli nov. sp.--M. fournasi nov. sp. and M. roussillonensis. This observation allows to refine the chronology based on rodents, for the Late Early Miocene and the Middle Miocene in the Southern France.
    Comparisons with some iberian species are done. The validity of the French species M. bezianensis and M. bourgeoisi is discussed. 

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Published in Vol. 24, Fasc. 1-2 (1995)

Contributions à l'étude des micromammifères du gisement Miocène supérieur de Montredon (Hérault). 1- Le gisement
Jean-Pierre Aguilar and Jean-Yves Crochet
Keywords: Hérault; Late Miocene; Micromammals; Montredon

    La localité fossilifère du Puech de Montredon, désignée plus communément sous le nom de Montredon, est située sur la commune de Montouliers (Hérault) à quelques 300 mètres de la limite avec le département de l'Aude. Elle a été découverte en 1845 par Narbonne, Directeur des Mines de La Caunette, et de très nombreux restes de vertébrés continentaux y ont été extraits. La plus ancienne mention de ce gisement dans la littérature semble être celle de Lartet (1859) qui signale que "M. Jourdan, de Lyon, a constaté à Montredon, près de Bize (Aude), l'association des restes de Dinotherium avec l'Hipparion". 

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Published in Vol. 12, Fasc. 3 (1982)

Les sélaciens du Miocène de la région de Montpellier
Henri Cappetta
Keywords: Ichtyofauna; Miocene; Montpellier

doi: 10.18563/pv.3.ext.1-139

    The utilization of screen-washing and attack by dilute acetic acid has permitted the collecting, in the Miocene of the department of Hérault (France), of a very rich ichthyofauna. This fauna is presently comprised of about 60 studied species, of which 11 are new, and represents, in the present state of knowledge, the most varied Miocene selachian fauna described in the world.
    The abondance of material has allowed an overall revision to be made; it has thus been possible to complete the description and the figuration of species that were poorly known until now, and to synonymize species that were established on simple morphotypes. Paleo-ecologic study of the ichthyofauna has permitted conclusions to be drawn relative to climate and bathymetry; it was thus possible to show that the Miocene fauna of Hérault was a fauna of a subtropical sea, essentially neritic with rare pelagic contributions.
    Knowing the stratigraphic position of the localities, it has been possible to distinguish three faunal assemblages based on associations of species. Some hypotheses on the evolution of certain lineages have been expressed.
    The comparison of this fauna with that of other regions permitted the relationships of two diflerent faunal provinces to be specified: the first belongs to the northern domain, characterized by a fauna still subtropical but with numerous temperate water elements; the leoond belongs to the Mesogean domain characterized by warm water forms. It has also lhovm that contemporary faunas could be very different according to the bathymetric zone in which they lived, which furnishes valuable information for the paleogeographic reconstruction of sedimentary basins.

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Published in Vol. 3, Ext (1970)